Dev Log Update
Author: Team Machiavelli,
published 7 months ago,
We wanted to update you on what we have been working on for Castle of Alchemists since our last update.
[h2]First things first: "Difficulty Mode"![/h2]
You will be able to select a more "challenging" version of the map from the Warroom with a single toggle. In this mode, enemy wave composition will change, enemy aggression will increase, your building resources will decrease, and you will receive more rewards for completion.
This will allow us to balance levels for new players while keeping the challenging nature of the game for players who are looking for more action.
Initially, this mode will only increase your regular rewards by around 25%. In the future, each level will have separate stats for difficulty mode as well as additional challenges and rewards.
[h2]Secondly, new enemies to spice things up.[/h2]
We are adding several new enemies, ranging from summoners to fast riders with different behaviors, to each faction to bolster their ranks. This also helps us balance the levels for normal and difficulty modes.
With these new enemies, we will also introduce a new form of buff: permanent auras.
For example, the "Slave Giant" will make his allies near him "immune to chill" to cover the inherent weakness to chill for the Flame Faction. We will experiment with more of these with the upcoming enemies too.
[h2]Last but not least, new traps![/h2]
We are aware that we are lacking in the department of traps, especially heavy-hitting ones. Expect to see pendulums, explosive barrels that you can launch with melee attacks, and more with the upcoming patch. With future patches, we will quickly fill our ranks of traps with your feedback!
We will keep you updated with more devlogs from now on, releasing them on a weekly basis!
Stay tuned for the new patch, coming very soon.