Hello folks, The Baron here with a bit of good news / bad news. Let me hit you with the bad news first — U8, which was penciled in for late Jan will now be delayed until Q2 2020, likely April. This breaks with the tradition of one big update every 2 — 3 months, but here is the reasoning and good news: U8 is now planned to include features from U9, including.... Functional armour! This will be a huge feature step forward, but also as a bonus the update will also include support for custom armour modding for the modders! One step closer to total conversion modding. ;) So why the merge of updates? Kospy decided it would be best to conjoin U8 and U9 since the two build on related systems to do with reworked armour and material penetration. For example, remember the gif of the hot blade? Well the idea of the reworked penetration system is that a hot blade would be able to pierce metal armour where a normal blade would not. So it would just make sense to lump these two concepts together and work on them at the same time in order to keep momentum. So basically it means U8 is gonna be even more massive and feature heavy. Here is how the revamped roadmap would look: Update 8 (April 2020) - New spell: Gravity - New spell: Fire - Lightning spell v2 - Spell merging, same class only (lightning/lightning, fire/fire, gravity/gravity, but modders can create new combination like fire/lightning) - NPC and player armors - New characters design - Tutorial - Overhaul of the material/collision logic and FX system - Custom armor (modding) - Custom spells (modding) - New weapons You might notice all sorts of unmentioned goodies on here that I couldn't discuss before, including spell merging! When I mentioned last time that lightning was changing to have a build up before firing, the mechanical reason for that is because players will now be able to merge spells together (combining them like orbs) to create more powerful / new spells. What's cool about this is that it also means modders can go ham with creativity since U8 will have custom spell support, so we could have some crazy custom spell merging combinations! You might also have spotted the "Life" spell (now being renamed to "Soul") has been pushed off the update and saved for later. The reason is because Soul is going to be more of a support spell and thus more relevant for the Dungeon update. The mechanics of this spell are still not fully revealed however. Work on the fire spell continues and KospY has it running pretty well now, with some effects in place. The fireballs will have some level of control over them when they are launched to help with accuracy. (a bit like Dark Messiah) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/900e913bd8d1b48e1ab142d1c05a2397fe70e1c9.gif[/img] As well as shooting fireballs you will also be able to apply magic to weapons which will add elemental power to the weapon, as well as increase the penetration values. So as mentioned, this means a blade could now pierce metal armour, or even stone! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/0228e27f986eb3595d10a6e8c07b33662bc1d133.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/12ec0687ffd2183222974afea0624f279f4118a0.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/20ce4c2b8ca31774a70abc4306d5c27b2c4c8bfc.gif[/img] It's not just fire by the way. Here is another example of imbue in action to get your creativity flowing. (WIP!) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/d16092cfaa00da9f72ce37488f0d823d640d4094.gif[/img] Other than spells, work continues on the revamped character designs. The modelers are adding to it daily, but it's still a bit too WIP to show the ingame models. However, here is some concept art for the new T2 warrior design, including their leather armour. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/01bca29270a862192a3eea128acda4d36331370c.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/1aa2468f47acb3cbfd9ab1b1a0bc2b3e938bee1d.jpg[/img] Given the delay, KospY agreed it would be good to keep you guys posted with updates and little teasers, so I am gonna harass him for info from now until release! In the near future I will be posting more news that elaborates on aforementioned systems, such as the new spells and armour. Cheers! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/29d415211af519c2e5300815d1d33b45250dfa75.gif[/img]