Hi folks, Kospy and the Warpfrog team have a new beta build ready! If you are opted into the beta then you will automatically get this new 11.0.68 beta update soon. Don't forget to remove any mods if you are testing this new beta. It was a couple of weeks of really freaking tricky bugfixing, but here we are - Beta 3 should have all the fixes to the major issues of B2, including missing survival mode, and fixing the crash from clicking post-processing in the options, as well as a slew of other enhancements and fixes. We are aware of still a few small things, but nothing we felt should hold back this release; you might still find an odd AI pathfinding issue (if you wanna be amazing help out, please take a screenshot and post it on the subreddit if you see any of this). Other small things include a weird issue that sometimes an archer will shoot from behind their back ːsteamdeadpanː and maybe one or two more small things, but mostly it should all be working. We are [i]really[/i] hoping this will be the last beta, guys! The bugs seemed endless on this one. [h2]Update 11.0.68 BETA[/h2] [h3]Changes / Enhancements[/h3] - Enhanced tutorial messaging system - Improved collision performance - Improved NPC vision by increasing field of view and how well they can see you in the dark - Crouching no longer impacts stealth (npc awareness influenced by light/darkness and fov) - Added code events for telekinesis spell OnTarget, OnUntarget, OnGrab, OnUngrab, OnSpinStart, OnSpinEnd, OnPull, and OnRepel - Added more events to EventLinkers - Improved staff gravity shockwave audio - Improved probe lighting on characters to be more uniform - Removed texture quality option as it cause lightmap issues - Added game translation for French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Thai and Chinese (traditional and simplified) - When Options>Physics>Clean visible items is enabled, visible items within your telekinesis range will stay - Optimized performance around home [h3]Fixes[/h3] - Fixed game freezing when opening post-process option page or controller layout page - Fixed player taking damage during the tutorial before reaching the NPCs - Fixed an issue where thrown items would collide with the player hand/arms and prevent throwing - Adjusted handles on Torch - Fixed a glitch teleporting the NPC weapons in one frame during physic toggle - Fixed dying animations not playing - Fixed NPC drown audio being audible from far distances - Fixed gravity push audio being audible at any distance - Fixed WaveSpawners to prevent them from failing to despawn creatures that never spawned - Fixed NPCs not following max melee attackers override from wave settings - Fixed loading into sandbox arenas when survival is selected - Fixed the UI pointer being enabled on the world map, when the map content is hidden during the tutorial - Fixed holes and bad ivy's lightmaps on Home map - Fixed some holes and seams in the dungeon - Fixed Valve Index spell button not closing the inventory - Fixed inventory settings’ option without text - Fixed returning home from book does not spawn player at the boat - Fixed dungeon return home not spawning player at boat - Fixed equip button not using empty hand when other hand is full - Fixed feet sometimes being frozen in the air when kicking (usually when you die) - Fixed Arrows rendering in FPV - Fixed Ocean sometimes not working correctly in dungeon and also causing console errors - Fixed hard crash to desktop on large number of catalog items (big mod packs) - Fixed level toggle options not saving values on the map board - Fixed level toggle options not using the default value provided - Fixed levels with duplicate map location numbers overlaying each other on the map board - Fixed UI badly rendering underwater - Fixed footsteps not detecting water in lighthouse - Fixed player foot breaking when dying and kicking - Fixed player foot getting stuck on bench - Fixed kick ending prematurely when colliding early - Fixed particle pooling not growing efficiently - Fixed armour detection sometimes failing on edges - Fixed effect spawning not properly skipping ignored modules - Fixed being able to jump and crouch during character selection - Fixed potion resetting liquid amount after getting out of the inventory sometimes - Fixed player instant death by multiple hits in one NPC swing - Fixed ocean flickering when changing options - Fixed ground in cave 10 room that was not colliding with items and ragdolls