Hello folks, The Baron here with the latest in Blade & Sorcery news. Too long we have gone without preview news because there was so much technical stuff going on with 8.4 and the road to U9. Well the worst of that technical stuff is behind us now, so I thought we could celebrate with a little sneak peek of some WIP stuff as we gear back up for regular news cycles. In development, there is much to discuss as a bunch of parts are moving simultaneously, but today's news will be focusing on the cool WIP revamp and changes that are coming to the Home. This new Home will be introduced in U10, though additional expanded elements will be added to it as updates continue. So please note that some of the following information relates to the final product (ie 1.0 full release) and not exclusively to what will be present in U10. [h3]A NEW HOME[/h3] The ultimate reason Home is being revamped is to bring it up to standards with what is cooking for Dungeons. In the future, the player's Home will serve as the hub between all Dungeon spelunking adventures and it will be where the player stores his weapons and armour. It will also be where the player manages their skills (more information on that on a further news) and there will be an access to the future shop where we could buy equipment. (Images are WIP) [img]https://i.imgur.com/nRScw7U.jpg[/img] The new home will be smaller, but will be more functional, with some QOL improvements for the map, etc. The ultimate goal will be to have some element of customization over the home, where players can have mannequins to store their outfit kits, and potentially even storing trinkets and little treasures retrieved from Dungeon adventures. [img]https://i.imgur.com/R5AW6vK.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MaRKTpj.jpg[/img] Adding to this, there is also the idea that the player can use the wealth earned from Dungeons to purchase new and better homes! Each tier of the homes become bigger and more fancy, potentially adding more storage utilities or equipment displays for the player and their loot. So while the T0 is small and cramped, the T1 home (the one we are adding for U10) would be a step up, and the T2 home would be even more luxurious. We thought this would be fun and a little something to give extra flavour and character for Dungeons, as well as giving the player more of a sense of progression and achievement. [img]https://i.imgur.com/EQ4pB7k.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/AZTr9L2.jpg[/img] But wait, there's more! One cool feature planned is a day / night cycle for the Home, just to give a little extra immersion. So you could go explore a Dungeon in the morning and when you come back it will be nighttime. [img]https://i.imgur.com/ww5trYm.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GHMvL38.jpg[/img] [h3]U9.2 ISSUES[/h3] In other news, if you have been having some issues in 9.2 with video or having a non-mod related launch failures (typically this is a red exclamation unity error), we are sorry about that! The long story short is we moved on the new Unity XR Plug-in Framework since U9.1 (the legacy system is going to be deprecated on the next Unity version), and that looks like it is borking things up for some people, especially Quest users. We are investigating the issue and trying to find a solution that will hopefully be included in U9.3 hotfix. In the meantime, you can revert to the game version U9.0 and you should have no issues. U9.0 is only missing a few bugfixes too, so it will still be a good version to play on while a solution is in the works (mods will still work, etc). Here is how to revert to U9.0: Steam: Right click the game in the library > Properties > Beta > U9 Oculus: Go to the game on the Store Page > Scroll down to "versions" > Choose U9 from the dropdown. That's it for this time, folks! Cheers!