Hello mates, The Baron here with a U11 status report that is perhaps not exactly what you were hoping to hear. So here it is guys — U11 is not ready for release. ːsteamsadː We thought about it and thought about it, but in our hearts we just don't feel comfortable to release U11 in it's current state as we feel it still needs significant polish to be considered complete, not to mention we are not satisfied that enough bug-testing was done. Really sorry about this, guys. To give some context as to how/why this is happening, there are just so many new and major mechanic frameworks added to this update, all of which are new and untested, so we [u]really[/u] want to avoid a U8 type situation and release something half-baked. However, we know how hyped you guys are and how long you have waited, so since we have a build that we are playtesting, we decided this — Let's do an open beta. This way, hardcore fans who are simply dying to play but also have the sensibilities to know that this is a hardcore WIP with fully to-be-expected bugginess and other jank can join us by getting into the weeds in providing some constructive feedback on the new systems, which we will actively tweak throughout the beta. Meanwhile, more casual players who are not interested in the development of the game, don't really follow B&S news, or are more just interested in the final finished product can stay on U10 and keep using mods. Most of these type players will probably not even be aware of the beta, since it will be an active effort to opt into it, as opposed to it being an automatic update that everyone is auto-opted into. So, there will be a PCVR open beta sometime next week. I know Nomad players also read PCVR Steam news to stay informed, so Nomad folk, I know this beta news will be disappointing for you; I added some more Nomad specific news here - [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/BladeAndSorcery/comments/ucnlqa/nomad_specific_u11_news_delays_scripted_mod_news/?](link)[/url] which also has some info on the long awaited scripted modding. Next week I'll post a Steam news that will have the code for anyone who wishes to access the beta, along with instructions for how to do this. That news will also have a brief overview of what to expect in the update, so you can know what to test out and so forth, and I'll probably have a link to some kind of a central location (maybe reddit or a google form) so people can post their feedback and we can collect it effectively. Cheers, guys!