Hello folks, hope you are all enjoying U9 so far! A small U9.1 patch has now been released and contains some nice little enhancements and bugfixes. U9 mods will not be broken, no worries! :steamdance: Please see the changelog for the full list of changes. If you having any U9 issues be sure to check the pinned help topics in the Steam Community Page "Issues and Troubleshooting" section or do a quick search in that board and very likely you will find the solution already listed. EDIT: Hi guys! How could we not do an April Fool's joke when releasing on April 1st, hahaha. So as you all have figured out, the original changelog was of course just a joke, but the update is very much real! Below is now the *real* changelog. [h1]Enhancements[/h1] [list] [*] Telekinesis can now be used to grab rewards in survival mode [*] Misc improvements to feet climbing IK [*] Added physics-based lanterns to Market [*] Added blood decals to Potion and Baguette Sword [*] Adjusted bottom of well in Market to remove glowing ground [*] Small adjustments to props in Market [*] Added character and item decals toggle in options (for low-end computers) [*] Setting max env. decals to 0 in the options will disable environment decals completely [*] Quivers now store 50 arrows (instead of 12) [*] Infinite arrow option now automatically spawn an arrow when the bow string is grabbed (instead of setting the quiver infinite) [*] Updated to XR plugin [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed some issues when picking rewards in survival mode [*] Fixed an issue where Survival items were despawning when the limit of dropped items was exceeded [*] Fixed plate armor shoulders not spawning correctly [*] Fixed an issue preventing the game to load when paint was disabled [*] Fixed multiple issues when reveal was disabled [*] Fixed some performance issue with feet climbing IK [*] Fixed sliced limbs doing too much damage and knocking down others NPC [*] Fixed post processing not disabling correctly [*] Fixed ragdoll colliding with hands when ungrabbing [*] Prevent waves and items UI selector to cause a CPU spike when being enabled [*] Fixed animation issue when NPC are hit while standing up [*] Fixed a shader issue which may have impacted performance on maps [*] Fixed scores not working correctly with survival mode [*] Fixed character shirts using incorrect shaders [*] Fixed male character underwear using an incorrectly configured material [*] Fixed missing ropes in market [*] Fixed some grabbable stones colliding with player locomotion collider [*] Fixed some decals issues [*] Fixed heartbeat audio not playing when health is low [*] Fixed incorrect physics materials on arena [/list] [h1]Modding[/h1] [list] [*] Added a safeguard to avoid paintable to be enabled for pooled items (will prevent possible mods memory issues) [*] Added additional holder points support for items / holders [*] Added an option to transfer maps (textures) to reveal on RevealDecal [*] Added game lit and reveal custom shaders in the SDK to replace paint on weapons (see BasSDK wiki for more information) [*] Holders can now store more items than the available slots (extra items will be saved as ContainerData.content) [*] Moved ItemModuleQuiver logic into holder interactable (custom quiver mods will need an update) [*] Automatically set the custom shader bundle name prefix to export folder name to avoid duplicates GUID with the auto generated builtin shader bundles [/list] Oh and in case you were wondering, the only two true statements in the joke changelog were about swinging on the marketplace lanterns and then the statement about the true statement itself, heheh.