Hello mates! Work progresses on the 8.4 live version as the Warpfrog team continue to fix all the bugs and missing elements following the complete character redo. If you have opted into the 8.4 beta you should get a little beta update on Steam and Oculus. If you have not opted into the 8.4 beta you should consider giving it a look as it majorly addresses and remedies all the optimization woes of the early U8 versions. Info on the 8.4 beta and how to opt in is [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/629730/eventcomments/3005551013354369659]here.[/url] Cheers! [h1]CHANGELOG:[/h1] [h3]Enhancements[/h3] - Added 2 male and female hairs - Added 2 beards - Reworked candle particle fx - Reworked all waves - Improved ragdoll performance - Added game mode support [h3]Fixes[/h3] - Fixed saves not updating from older version - Fixed NPC hand and feet stretching after playing for a long time - Fixed flag floating in the arena - Fixed blood decals growing on ground - Fixed flying objects not damaging player - Fixed archers aiming feet instead of chest - Fixed NPC neck stretching too much when grabbed - Fixed missing Dane axe - Fixed NPC sometime not equipping their weapons correctly on spawn - Fixed mesh particle warning spamming the console - Fixed player arms falling and stretching abnormally - Fixed NPC / player collision avoidance - Fixed weapons spawning at the center of the map - Fixed debug options resetting between maps - Fixed archer floating after being killed while aiming - Fixed NPC wrist twisting weirdly when picked up after being sliced - Fixed mesh duplication after slicing sequentially hand, lower arm and upper arm - Fixed lots of missing physics materials - Adjusted Navmesh in arena to prevent NPC getting stuck on the wave spawner - Fixed navmesh that caused NPCs to get stuck on a rock in Canyon - Fixed Water rendering over the waterfall effects in Canyon - Fixed weird lighting of doors inside the sewers of Citadel - Fixed hole in Citadel - Fixed rope at the scaffolding in Citadel - Fixed misc errors and warning - Updated to Unity 2019.4.16 [h3]Modding[/h3] - Added loadorder support - Moved back velocityDamageCurve from material damage to damager JSON - Added self damage multiplier on damagers JSON - Reworked container, loot and creature table JSON - Moved avoidance priority from brain to creature JSON