The beta of Update 7 has finally ended! So the beta was longer than usual as I took the opportunity to do a lot of internal changes as well as moving on the new Unity Rendering Pipeline (LWRP/URP). The new rendering has still some issues with lightning but nothing game breaking and Unity should resolve this in the next coming update. Anyway, the new rendering allows more performance optimization and players struggling with performance on U6 should appreciate it ːsteamhappyː Here is an highlight of some features of U7: [img][/img] Improved player character and hands [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] Wrist blade and new weapons design [img][/img] Custom maps support, also allowing some [url=]new crazy challenges [/url](credit to ddevo2x!) Below the full list of changes from U6 to U7: [h1]Features[/h1][list] [*] Updated player male and female characters [*] Updated weapon designs (swords, spear, mace, axe, bardiche, buckler, wood shield and potion) [*] New weapon: Wrist blade [*] Added custom map support [*] Added a scores system (experimental, first step toward the experience/leveling system) [*] Added post process options: Bloom, Sharpen, Vibrance, Contrast, Brightness and Eye Adaptation [*] HTC Vive Cosmos support [/list] [h1]Enhancements[/h1] [list] [*] Added optional comfort vignette option for players subject to motion sickness [*] Improved hand animations and fingers tracking [*] Added the possibility to jump while climbing if feet are touching a surface (should be easier to climb above surface) [*] Reworked map selection UI [*] Updated text color of the wave selector UI [*] Potion blot are now using the decal system [*] Improved UI sliders [*] Added a sign to show how to open the menu in the home [*] Disabled auto reload when dying [*] Improved level preview orb [*] Improved mirror shader [*] Creatures and items falling into water create a splash effect [*] Items falling below the home map will teleport back to the home start [*] Increased screenshot FOV from 70 to 80 (can be changed in the options file) [*] Improved some weapon textures [*] Allow using grip and alternate use while pointing an UI [*] Improved handling of short swords, rapier, dagger, spear, dual blade staff, staff, longsword and arrow [*] Improved two handed handling [*] Added new debug rotation mode option [*] Misc balancing [/list] [h1]Performance optimization[/h1] [list] [*] Updated the game to the new Unity Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP) [*] GPU based decals [*] Reduced draw calls on maps [*] Improved physic collisions performance [*] Improved NPC spawning performance [*] Added async loading of asset bundles (prevent some freeze while loading) [*] Creatures and items falling below maps or in Canyon water despawn automatically [*] Improved wave spawner and catalog data lookup performance [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed wave parameter "max alive" not working [*] Fixed potion liquid level being shared between all potions [*] Fixed shields not protecting the hand correctly [*] Fixed bare hand sliding along zip lines being too slow [*] Prevent hand to collide with objects grabbed with telekinesis [*] Fixed wrong body rotation while looking down [*] Fixed menu book creating a lag spike when opening [*] Fixed AI being stuck near a rock in the Market map [*] Fixed UI click not working when the Windows regional format is set to Turkish [*] Fixed item spawner sometime continuing to spawn objects when pressing a button [*] Fixed friendly NPC colliding each other when spawning during Warzone 3 wave [*] Fixed an issue with loot table not working correctly when an empty value is set [*] Fixed navigation issue of the stairs in the Ruins [*] Fixed some dismembering issues [*] Disabled upper leg slicing to hopefully fix an issue causing the sliced NPC to be stuck in T[*]Pose [*] Fixed wrong damager and parry orientation and position on some weapons [*] Fixed spear default grab position and orientation [*] Fixed some wrong collider material in Market [*] Fixed an issue preventing NPC to parry some weapon correctly [*] Fixed an issue with some modded weapon causing the game to break when the player spawn with them [*] Fixed controller vibrating when kicking [*] Updated some texts [*] Updated Unity to 2019.2.9 [*] Updated SteamVR Unity plugin to 2.4.5 [*] Updated Oculus plugin to 1.4.1 [/list] [h1]Modding[/h1] [list] [*] Added custom map support to the SDK [*] Added an example level in the SDK [*] Added custom level modes [*] Moved level module definition to level mode instead of level only [*] "ColliderGroup" and "WhooshPoint" on Item Definition are now a component and Damager Definition directly reference the ColliderGroup (prefabs done with the old SDK will need to be updated!) [*] Renamed Global.json to Game.json [*] Added parameters to Game.json to set the default levels, default characters, default JSON folder and saves folder [*] Added a launch parameter ("[*]game xxx") to specify the folder containing the Game.json (allow total conversion mods) [*] Moved wave spawner to level module [*] Added the possibility to set multiple wave selector with different spawn points and waves on the same map [*] Custom combat music support [*] Custom menu support [*] Added a scene in the SDK to create hand poses [*] Added potions support to the SDK [*] Updated TextData to support pages groups for in[*]game information messages [*] Added a brain parameter to disable attacks from NPC (for testing purpose) [*] Finding ID in the catalog are no more case sensitive [*] Improved the JSON serializer to support array updates using an identifier field [*] Fixed mug items using the wrong prefab [*] Added a field "alwaysAvailable" in wave JSON to force a wave to be available on all wave selectors [*] Added SliceFill material path in creaturedata [*] Asset bundle now use 3 extensions: .assets, .map and .uma (automatically named during export in the SDK) [*] Renamed physicmaterial json to material [*] Added forward and upwards particle direction in FX JSON [*] Updated FX JSON (projector renamed to decal) [*] Removed paintable parameter in item JSON and added a new SDK component to set which mesh is paintable in the prefab (mods will need to be updated to get blood on blades) [*] Added new global pin forces parameters in ragdoll JSON [*] Moved item text localization to text JSON (setting a localizationID will override the displayname and description fields) [*] Added custom center of mass support for ItemDefinition [*] Added new zone parameters [*] HolsterName are moved to customValue in container JSON [*] If no holster is set in the container JSON, the game will now pick the first available slot per default [*] Added custom storage categories support (by overriding storageIcons array in Game.json) [*] Added saved custom values support for items [*] Fixed JSON data override not working correctly [*] Fixed wave parameter "alwaysAvailable" causing wave to duplicates in every categories [*] Added custom faction support (see game.json) [*] Moved custom inertia tensor from item JSON to item definition prefab [/list] [h1]Know issues[/h1][list] [*] Objects lightning are limited causing flickering in some situation. It's an issue in Unity 2019.2, but it should be fixed in the next version (2019.3, currently in beta). [*] Some grass disappear unexpectedly [/list]