Update 6.1 released! Minor update with mainly bug fixes, inputs changes and new features and enhancement for modders :) [b]New inputs[/b] Below you will see the new default layout for the Vive controller, closer to the original layout before update 6. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33834682/907a3349858aeb87356c713b5bb009c7bc6c67da.png[/img] Trigger is also used again to slide along handle for all controllers. I hope people will be happy with this changes :) [b]SteamVR custom binding[/b] With the new SteamVR support, it's now possible to do custom binding and share them on SteamVR. Unfortunately, there is currently a bug that prevent users to edit the default binding of the game. Valve is aware of the issue and a fix is coming soon for SteamVR. [b]Changelog[/b] Update 6.1 [u]Enhancements[/u] [list] [*] Modified the Vive controller layout to something closer to the previous version [*] Set slide to trigger instead of secondary button [*] Improved monitor UI look (spectator mode) [*] Re-implemented hold grip options for telekinesis and bodies. [*] Added a new hold grip option for climbing/gripping objects without handle [*] Re-implemented locomotion controller option for left-handed (Oculus native only! SteamVR users need to use a custom binding in SteamVR) [*] SteamVR skeleton is now only used for the index controller. It prevents the index finger to curl when touching the trigger only on other devices (easier climbing) [*] Added physical limits to arms when player is not grounded (instead of dropping the weapon or ungripping walls) [*] Added an option to set the behaviour of stucked weapons when player is grounded (either drop or physically block the body, default is drop) [*] Added colliders to mountains on Ruins map [*] Set default spectator FOV to 80 (instead of 90) [/list] [u]Modding[/u] [list] [*] Added a debug console [*] Added levels JSON and level modules (level/game based plugins only, level editor is not available yet) [*] Moved level logic to level modules (allow default behaviors to be replaced) [*] Fixed an issue preventing to load audiocontainer from asset bundles (thx to Alex for this information!) [*] Updated SDK to 6.1 [/list] [u]Fixes[/u] [list] [*] Prevent weapon to drop when swinging [*] Fixed potions holster [*] Prevent telekinesis to work on object grabbed elsewhere from handle [*] Prevent object grabbed elsewhere from handle to despawn [*] Fixed external view enable/disable option not working [*] Fixed object gripping not working correctly in some situations (grabbing air or wrong object) [*] Fixed some issues with the dual blade staff (it pierces and slashes correctly now) [*] Fixed weapon dropping on the ground when grabbing them from hips [*] Fixed menu overlap in the character selection screen [*] Fixed incorrect jump height on some headsets with different refresh rate (Rift S and Valve Index) [*] Fixed waist tracker that wasn't working [*] Fixed barrels, crates, hands and feet going through stairs [/list]