For this update, I worked on the much needed performance optimization and managed to reduce CPU time by 20-50%, the game should play better now especially with multiple NPC :) Below the changelog: [b]Enhancements & Changes[/b] - Improved inverse kinematic - NPC eyes follow target - Increased potion cork snap radius - Hand scale is now static and is disabled in the character customization menu - Health overlay adjustements - Increased heart beat volume on low health - Slightly increased NPC arms resistance when parrying - Increased arrow damage - Removed max alive NPC option (moved to wave definition) - Wave selector display max alive and total NPC for each wave - New warzone waves with more than 10 NPC (for high end configuration only!) [b]Performance optimizations[/b] - Optimized inverse kinematic to solve only what is needed - Inverse kinematic is no more used for each finger - Pooled ragdolls to prevent a lag spike on spawn - Optimized facial expression player - Optimized locomotion ground detection - Fixed an issue causing the dodge/parry system to check all weapons instead of only the closest ones - Reduced delay before cleaning dropped objects and dead bodies (15s to 7s) - Misc performance optimizations [b]Modding[/b] - FingerPoses are replaced by HandPoses (poses will be moddable later with the BAS SDK) - Added JSON for facial expression [b]Fixes[/b] - Updated Unity from 2018.3 to 2019.1 (major update) - Fixed some visuals in the canyon map - Fixed head sometimes staying in the air after beheading - Fixed a rotation issue when sliding along the handle with both hands - Fixed a rotation issue when holding an handle with both hands pointing at the same direction - Fixed arrow sliding from axis to back grip - Fixed NPC not dropping their weapon correctly causing them to pick up two weapons with the same hand - Fixed bow orientation using main hand rotation instead of the bow/string orientation - Fixed missing health potions in Ruins and Market - Misc internal fixes [b]Known issues[/b] - Post processing doesn't work (broken on 2019.1) - Kick doesn't work - Water in the canyon map are not shown with low graphic settings - Lightning propagate to every cutted parts - Grabbing a ragdoll and pushing it with a weapon makes you fly - Running the game full screen can lower performance drastically