Hello folks! It's that time again for a little bit of news, and today I have some sneak peeks of upcoming weapons with regards to the tier system. If you had not heard, since the last update B&S is moving to a tiered weapon system (just like armour) where each weapon will have 4-5 tiered variants, with each variant offering improvements on the previous. Higher tiered weapons may have some functionality bonuses, such as useful hilts, extra attack surfaces (a blunt mace might also have a spike for example), or a more functional design, such as a greatsword that has a grip for half-swording. Another wip concept is that higher tiered weapons will be able to retain a magical imbue longer. The overall tiered weapon/armour idea is to bring a little bit of a progression feel to B&S to go along with the future progression mode ("campaign mode"), so that players will have equipment to unlock and strive towards. But for sandbox lovers, don't worry because there will still be a sandbox mode and all these tiered weapons will be freely available there. The last goal of these reworked weapons is to take one more step further away from Unity store assets in favour of custom models. So with that said, here is a look at what our modeler has been working on with the Greatsword rework: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/1f29625421ec61525bb813c2211db30893df7f31.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/28c49ffae3d3dcb181fccafff278ec4fd895d54b.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/51dc328a7e34112e9a425b171fb456c55fb21586.jpg[/img] These are the Tier 0, Tier 1 and Tier 2 of the Greatsword. You can see how the lowest tier is rusted and even lacks a pointed tip, whereas the last tier is much more functional and versatile. They will likely be 2 more tiers of the Greatsword to come too (tier 4 and 5) but I just don't have any images of those at the moment. Here is a peek at the reworked bow - (tier 2) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/f46be5ca74439a4e0152fa79b54591e75c7bd34e.jpg[/img] And good news, the inaccurate bow bug has been fixed for U8. KospY Sends his apologies for not including it in the last update! That's all the news for now, folks. But then again, it wouldn't be a B&S news post without a little teaser, so here is a peek at the Gravity spell, imbued in this weapon. Hopefully next time I will be able to post some news and videos of Gravity. Cheers! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33834682/36abaf5c41ab850dfe4909406dee478fdea8ddd5.gif[/img]