Hello mates! After a long time struggling with some frustrating tech issues, the Warpfrog team finally have gotten U12.3 ready for release. ːpraisesunː Besides general U12 bugfixes, the most notable fix is Pico players will now have access to the mod manager. Sorry for this delay to those effected - the issue was to do with authentication on Pico working different from other headsets and the long story short is it was a pain in the butt to get working but it should be all good now. If you are a Pico player, do take note however that even though the we uploaded the update, it can take a while for it to actually appear to the players as available - this is because Pico do their own approval process for each update which is something Steam/Meta don't. Another notable fix is for mod manager in general; we made a surprising discovery of an insidious bug in mod manager that surfaced when some folk from the community pointed out that a certain mod (Adammantium’s Multiplayer Mod) was not showing up in a mod manager search despite it being uploaded on modio and also showing up on the website. This was curious so it led us down a rabbit hole to discover why, only to make the shocking revelation that there were a bunch of mods were not showing up in mod manager search…. The bug was that only the most recently uploaded 100 mods were showing up with each search! That means mods older than the latest 100 were getting omitted in search results. This issue wasn't detectable in the beginning because when U12 went live that was only the beginning of modders uploading mods, so most mods were under that 100 limit and thus showing in a search. Then slowly over time the oldest of mods were quietly getting buried (like multiplayer mod) but no one really noticed because the impact was minimal. However now that there are hundreds of mods on modio it is more obvious that some are being buried, so it is lucky we addressed this bug now before too much time passed as it would have been the case that going forward 100s of mods in the future would have been unsearchable in mod manager. Anyway, this should be fixed now! The cool news about this is that the next time you go into mod manager after 12.3 you will likely see some new (technically old) mods showing up in your searches. Related to mods, there were some nice optimizations made that should dramatically reduce loading times for mods. On average the game loading speed is now saving about 1 second per mod, so that means the loading time increase for mods is approx 40%, which will surely be enjoyed by all! Also on the topic of optimization, there was some good work done to reduce build size on PCVR and Nomad. Nomad players will probably feel the benefits of this the most, where their hardware overhead is more precarious than PCVR; in particular 3 star dungeons should not crash anymore due to reducing Nomad’s memory usage and fixing some memory leaks. Last but not least, a little bonus is we finally add that stinger volume slider, so now you can control the volume of the stinger (or disable it) independent from the music. So that's just about it for now guys, have a look at the full changelog below. If there is a U12.4 it will be prob just some minor bugfixes, and other than that we are full steam ahead on 1.0 and Crystal Hunt.... [i]the final major update[/i]! On the topic of Crystal Hunt, the good news to share is that the majority of the team has been working on this even while a few devs were working on 12.3, so there was no lost dev time on the 1.0 update. However, the amount of work left in 1.0 is colossal. This will be the final Early Access update and it will be our biggest by far; just about everything in the game is being touched on, enhanced or has new content. It's going to be an insanity update for us. So with that, I know a lot of you guys are chomping at the bit to know more about Crystal Hunt and see some previews, but mostly that is going to be kept until the "Road to 1.0" news, which are the big milestone news that give some early preview of an update. We don't like to give too much away too early because first of all it is too early to give any good previews (there are no screenshots or gifs to share yet, etc), but also we usually like to make sure we know what features are / are not going into an update so as not to disappoint; better to underpromise and overdeliver so people are pleasantly surprised. And then of course, we also like secrets and surprising the players with stuff. ːtmntdonː So stay tuned for that, guys. If you enjoy reading every morsel of information available on the development, you could also check out this long and informal [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/BladeAndSorcery/comments/153wug9/how_its_going/]reddit post[/url]. Otherwise, enjoy 12.3! ːsteamdanceː Viveport players - the update will now finally come to Viveport very soon. Cheers! --- [h1]Full Changelog[/h1] [h2]Features:[/h2] - Added support for the Mod Manager on Nomad on Pico - Added a music stinger volume slider in the audio options [h2]Enhancements / Changes:[/h2] - Updated BHaptics plugin - Added GameModeData catalog data - Added GameModeModules which act like level modules, except for game modes - Polish UI/UX (Improve visual feedback, and add haptics and audio feedback to all the UI buttons when interacting with the pointer) - Reduced build size by 100MB for Nomad and 1GB for pcvr - Added option to enable spell wheel names on the spell wheel - Added report bug functionality to submit logs. An ID is shown to the user they can provide it for investigation - Added tooltips to slider options - Added a new mod manager window to inform the authentication code will be sent to the user email - Reduced mod addressables loading time [h2]Fixes:[/h2] - Fixed low-mass objects floating when picked up with one hand and touched with another. - Fixed Ocean SFX from stopping if many objects are destroyed at once in Home. - Fixed ID for MusicArena it had trailing whitespace. - Fixed slash and blunt decal heightmaps not being applied to creatures - Fixed a memory leak causing a crash in Nomad 3 stars dungeon - Fixed some disabled buttons just updating the visually disabled state once the pointer hovers them - Fixed items' and categories' buttons on the item book not being highlighted the first time the pointer hovers them - Improved item and wave book interaction performance - Reduced mesh and audioclip memory usage - Improved effect spawning logic to help with breakables performance - Fixed modded levels not being loaded when using -level argument - Fixed the spinning bug when holding an NPC by telekinesis - Fixed Pico 4 movement not updating properly - Fixed debug logging with Bhaptics plugin - Fixed mod manager timeout error window overlapping other windows in some cases - Fixed players still being able to make some new requests to the server after the request rate limit was exceeded - Canceling a spell by pressing grip no longer lets you cast merge spells with your fists [h2]Modding:[/h2] - Added a list of mesh to hide from FPV in creature component (to hide the head of the avatar with non-manikin characters) - Added activateHandle reference on handles, allowing to activate the handle only when the linked handle is grabbed - Added useRelativePosition on playerTeleporter - Added fast grab consumable for inventory, if an item handled has a linked consumableID, pressing grab on the torso will automatically grab the corresponding consumable - Added PiercedSpawner which can be used to spawn items pierced into static colliders, or spawn items with other items pierced onto damagers - Added CreatureTool and ItemTool for selecting creatures and items, as well as GameTool to replace functionality modders used from the DebugTool and GameManager scripts (which are no longer in the SDK). CreatureTool and ItemTool can be used to copy event linkers onto targeted items - Added force options to the Zone component which can be used to apply forces to items, NPCs, and the player - Added new velocity reference mode to Item Spawner to inherit the velocity of a parent physics body - ModOption will now work in structs - Added generic sliders to the mod options - Exposed fields and methods in HingeDrive, WaveSpawner, SpellTelekinesis, Handle - Fixed an issue with HolderEventLinker, ImbueEventLinker, HandPoseSwapper - Cleaned up and ensured the Creature Resurrect function is working as expected so the creature regains the correct amount of health and has their brain start back up