Hello mates! 8.4 Beta 8 is now released, featuring the much anticipated, new and improved blood and wound decals, plus the return of the dying animations. The re-addition of dying animations is what contributed massively to the visceral and cinematic feel of combat in previous versions, versus the pure ragdoll experience as has been the case in U8 up to now. This means no more stabbing guys where they get pushed back; you can now properly skewer enemy again. Combined with some more big performance improvements, this should make the combat similar to the "U7 combat feel" that many players loved, but now with all the goodness of U8 additions, like armour and new models, etc. With all the changes and additions, U8.4 has actually almost become it's own full update where it was supposed to be a small incremental update... ːeaglegagː But we think you guys are gonna love how the combat feels now. The end of the beta period is very near now and assuming everything looks good, this is looking like it will be the last beta and the 8.4 live version should be released soon. Then finally on to U9! If you are unsure how to opt into the beta, instructions are here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/629730/view/2957137317359486739 And as usual, it is a good practice to clear out your mods on new beta versions in case any break. If you find your game not loading, you can follow the help here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/629730/discussions/2/2450469119947281759/ [h1]Enhancements[/h1] [list] [*] Added the new character and weapons decal system [*] Added new pierce, blunt, slash and burn decals on characters [*] Improved dying animations [*] Added tone mapping post processing option [*] Moved the wave spawner next to the table in arena [*] Added and reworked some weapon collision sounds and effects [*] Piercing stuff with a weapon imbued with fire will now emit a sound and generate smoke [*] Ragdoll materials (flesh, leather, chainmail, plate) are now correctly detected for NPC environment damage [*] Reduced Max Alive for most waves [*] Player wounds are now visible [*] Drinking health potion will now heal wounds visually [*] Holstering a weapon will clean them after some time [*] Reworked penetration system and damage calculation [*] Added skewer detection, now piercing through a body will do a decal and effect on the other side [*] Added self collision debug option (for fun, not recommended for normal play) [*] Misc performance enhancements [*] Piercing or slashing neck will now show a bleeding effect [*] More weapon balancing [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed NPC dying animations [*] Fixed head shadow missing in first person view [*] Fixed character locked in jump animation when game is paused [*] Fixed wood penetration with bladed weapons [*] Fixed ungrab causing the NPC to float sometimes [*] Fixed issues in survival mode [*] Fixed navmesh issue on stairs in Market [*] Fixed blood effects on Ragdoll impacts when gore is disabled [*] Fixed Dismember via TK still occurring when dismemberment was turned off [*] Fixed gravity ring on NPCs being flipped the wrong rotation [*] Fixed hands being seen through the rounded shield [*] Fixed an issue causing weapons and projectiles to unpenetrate when the NPC play some animations [*] Fixed minimum stabbing depth in arena sand [*] Fixed Minor Navmesh issues on Arena, Market, Ruins and Canyon [*] Fixed orientation issue when grabbing alive NPC [*] Fixed NPC neck issues after beheading [*] Fixed haptic causing performance issue on Oculus [*] Updated Unity to 2019.4.19 [/list] [h1]Modding[/h1] [list] [*] Reworked (again) collision system to make it easier to maintain and update. [*] Removed materialDamage and materialEffect JSON. Materials is now directly handling effects and materialDamage is replaced by damageModifier JSON. [*] Reworked penetration damage logic, added extra damage at specific depth and/or when piercing on the other side [*] Reworked penetration dampening, added temporary modifiers to improve piercing for thrown weapons [*] Added filters into effects JSON to help simplify the collision system [*] Added audio playing delay option to EffectModuleAudio [*] ColliderGroups with the same name will no longer override each other's ImbueGeneratedMesh [*] Fixed Custom Holsters/Quivers making them crash the game [*] (C# plugins) The struct "CollisionStruct" is replaced by a class "CollisionInstance" [*] Reworked effects logic, added filters and imbue filters to effects to simplify collision management [*] Blades and crystals physic material is no longer changed when imbued with a spell [*] Reworked potion liquid logic. Potion liquids are now moddable (derive from the "Liquid" class and override "OnLiquidReception" method), then custom liquid can be set from the Item module JSON [*] Removed creature DamageModifier and moved variables to Ragdoll.PartData [*] Fixed zone events [*] ItemPhysic and ItemSpell are now merged into ItemData. Old ItemPhysic json should be still compatible but ItemSpell will need to be redone (you will have to do an ItemData and add an ItemModuleSpell) [/list]