Hello folks! Just another small update to the beta; a few goodies but most importantly fixing some issues like the options not saving and also reducing the number of spawned enemy back down closer to original levels. Heads up, there may be more back and forwarding throughout this beta with regards to waves as tweaking based on feedback will occur. If anyone is having trouble with loading screens when changing versions, be sure to check the pinned help topic in troubleshooting called "if you have infinite loading" because it will have the answer you need. And remember, the 8.4 beta is opt in, which you can learn how to do here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/629730/announcements/detail/2957137317359486740 Otherwise you are still on version 8.3. [h3]Enhancements[/h3] [list] [*] Added "Endless (Melee Only)" waves to Gladiators, Bandits and Knights [*] New NPC type: Berserker: (Runs same pace as rogues, Attacks way more often, duel-wields axes, does not recoil when you parry, added to Melee, does not wear helmets) [*] Removed "Daggers" from 1h LootTable [*] Added more lift force to head during beheading[/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed some menu options not saving [*] Fixed NPC not spawning with gender slider set to 100% [*] Fixed non-melee NPCs spawning in Mixed Melee [*] Fixed Battlemages spawning in Mixed Melee [*] Max Alive has been reduced in most waves: (Wave 1 is unchanged, Wave 2 is 5 from 6, Wave 3 is 6 from 8, Endless is 6 from 8, Survive is 10 from 20, Stress Test is 50 from 100, Warzone is 8 from 7) [*] Fixed Warzone waves to make it so you are not the prime target for both factions [*] Made Warzone less randomised on faction spawns [*] Removed Warzone CreatureTables [*] Adjusted probability of all classes. You should now see more melee than archers and mages [*] Battlemages: (No longer use Fireball and only utilise Lightning and Gravity at close range (Is currently bugged :( ), Move slower, Now utilize their own brain, Battlemage Gladiator set is now base mage set, Bandit Battlemage armor set has been reworked, Moved to "Ranged" class, Now appear in Wave 2) [*] Rogues now move a bit faster [*] Rogues are now in melee, meaning they spawn in the first waves, and now spawn in melee only waves [*] Rogues attack a bit faster [*] Mages should no longer use lightning halfway across the map [*] Renamed Containers to be less confusing [*] All Wave NPCs should now have hair and beards [*] Difference between Melee and Ranged spawning has been altered [*] Decreased overall number of enemies per wave. (this is testive, need overall figures, feedback requested) [*] Fixed errors where "BucklerRound" was not found. [*] Removed "Shield Rearm" from Shield enemies [*] Minor wave changes [*] Fixed neck deformation on ragdolls [*] Fixed physics materials on Arena gates and Home head trophy [*] Fixed a despawn zone in the back of Ruins[/list] [h3]Modding[/h3] [list] [*]Added sliceSeparationForce and sliceVelocityMultiplier to creature json [/list]