In The Tartarus Key, we take great care to ensure that every aspect of our game is designed with the player experience in mind. One detail that we're particularly proud of is the map system, which we've designed to be both functional and immersive. Early in the game, Alex is given a map by Torres to help navigate the mansion. However, we didn't want to create a standard, boring map that simply showed players where to go. Instead, we wanted to create a map that felt like a real object in the game world, with its own personality and quirks that shift and change as the game progresses. [img][/img] That's where Alex comes in. As players explore new areas, Alex will add them to the map in real time, creating a sense of immersion and exploration that really brings the game world to life. As you discover rooms, solve puzzles, or experience certain events, she'll leave little notes commenting on what she's seen or how she feels. Our hope is that players find her notes useful, entertaining, and at times, even relatable. [img][/img] Despite our efforts to make the map an integral part of the player experience, we noticed during playtesting that some players were not engaging with it as much as we had hoped. Essentially, they were forgetting that it existed. In response, we added a visual prompt paired with a sound effect that reminds players to use the map when they enter a new room for the first time. We believe that this small addition will make a big difference in how players engage with the game world, and ensure that they have the smoothest possible experience playing The Tartarus Key. [img][/img]