We put a lot of thought into the design aspect of gating access to the mansion and opening it up, as well as puzzle difficulty, to create the best possible player experience. Initially, the player is only allowed in a small set of rooms, which unlock one after the other. We consider this the introductory tutorial area of the game, where players can get a feel for the mechanics and story without feeling overwhelmed or lost. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40813934/a050e9fcc6134b3218e988d7a542a531fef44a52.jpg[/img] After meeting Torres, the game opens up massively, allowing players to wander the halls of the mansion as they see fit. While many doors are locked at first, players can get a greater sense of scale and begin to understand the layout of the mansion. Our intention was to have two tracks of puzzles available to the player after the tutorials, so that if they got stuck, they could go off and try another room. The map comes in handy here, as it highlights rooms of interest! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40813934/6773b95449ca38214340cf62149d66c341973b02.jpg[/img] As players progress through the game, they'll find that puzzles slowly increase in difficulty, building up their skills and knowledge in the process. Players will eventually have to complete both tracks to finish the game, with each containing their own unique characters and unlocking different areas of the mansion. Depending on how they choose to play, their experience can vary quite dramatically from another player's! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40813934/a37fe4e4e02bda012cb25b22661e21c624f3470e.jpg[/img] As players approach the end of the game, the two puzzle tracks merge back into one, with rooms naturally leading from one to another. This allowed us to control the pacing of the ending and account for the multiple endings in a way that made sense to us. We've conducted play tests and have received positive feedback thus far, and we hope players will enjoy exploring the mansion, tackling its puzzles, and experiencing the game's multiple endings! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40813934/4592a78bec2817a16c918e0738b72b7411ef027f.gif[/img]