Hello there! Welcome to the official Steam page for the upcoming PC horror adventure game The Tartarus Key by Vertical Reach. I'm Catherine from Armor Games Studios, the game's publisher, here to keep you in the loop about development. [previewyoutube=stS8I9C8IBE;full][/previewyoutube] The Tartarus Key is a horror adventure game about a woman named Alex Young, who wakes up suddenly trapped in a dark room in a mansion teeming with sinister secrets. As she solves cryptic puzzles in order to escape, Alex quickly finds out she's not alone in this place. Depending on how you explore the mansion, there are three different endings for Alex’s story. How everything resolves for her and the other captives is entirely up to you. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40813934/fde41df855a3940f84ac3ed17c0a1faa2c857f45.jpg[/img] We're not ready to announce an exact release date just yet, but right now we're slated to release The Tartarus Key in 2022. [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1431850/The_Tartarus_Key/]Make sure to wishlist us here on Steam[/url][/b] so you can stay in the loop on development. It helps us out so much! Plus, for even more updates, you can [b][url=https://twitter.com/TartarusKey]follow us on Twitter[/url][/b] and [b][url=https://discord.gg/F3WEqVSGVu]meet the developers and other Tartarus Key fans in our official Discord[/url].[/b] That's all from me for now. Thanks for reading and supporting this new game! -Catherine