Music is a vital element in setting the tone and atmosphere of any game, and developing the soundtrack for The Tartarus Key was one of the pivotal processes in bringing our vision to life. Working alongside the incredibly talented composer, [url=]Josie Brechner[/url], was a true privilege, and her outstanding work spoke for itself. One of the many highlights of collaborating with her was witnessing how she interpreted our minimal direction and somehow managed to create precisely what we envisioned. At the outset of the game's development, we had the initial areas mapped out and planned, but a significant portion of the game was still in the “grey box” phase. We provided Josie with detailed story information for each character and area, as well as video walkthroughs to illustrate where the puzzles would go. Additionally, we gave her a "colour" to represent each character's personality traits - for example, William was associated with the colour purple, as we believed it conveyed a sense of luxury and extravagance. [img][/img] Despite providing only what we considered to be minimal details, Josie consistently responded with enthusiasm, saying "Perfect, that's great!" She would then proceed to send us a perfectly crafted track within the week, capturing the essence we desired for each character. Each track was produced on a per-character basis, with three tracks per character, each increasing in intensity. This approach allowed us to blend between tracks seamlessly as the puzzle difficulty increased or as tension built within the story. The music that players hear at the beginning of the game is vastly different from what they hear at the end, highlighting the versatility and range of Josie's compositions. We hope that players will appreciate and enjoy the music that Josie created as much as we do. Her extraordinary talent and contributions have undoubtedly elevated the game to new heights, and we are incredibly grateful to have worked with her. [img][/img]