The Status Screen's Config options can now also be found in the Settings menu under Visibility. There's also some new stuff... - New Brightness and Contrast settings have been added in case you find the game a bit dark and high-contrast. - A new Player Outline setting has been added to make it a bit easier to spot yourself when it gets chaos. - A new Enemy Debris setting has been added in case you're having performance issues. - Enemy Outline / Attack Outlines: You now have a choice of 5 colours to choose from. The Enemy Outline performance has also been increased if there's a lot of enemies on screen. - Drone Alpha: You can now increase/decrease this in intervals of 10%. //other misc changes - A new achievement has been added called Starting Weaponry Fulfillment for unlocking all the starting weapons (if you already have all weapons then opening the Choose Starting Weapon menu will trigger it). - The missing Elementless Bearer Survived achievement has been added. - Starting Weapon unlocks can now be unlocked in Survival Function by surviving a Swarm sector. - On the Choose Game Mode menu the various game modes now have gems to signify progress (eg in Convergence the top gems signify which Difficulties have been beat, while the bottom gems signify beating a Difficulty with all Classes). - The Run Timer now consistently ticks throughout the whole run (eg so still ticks during shopping or with the Status Screen open). - Voidworld Trials: When choosing a Trial it will now show a gem and ranking if you've played it (and be gold if you're in the top 10). - Voidworld Trials: The Leaderboard will now show the current trial number and you can now change the day/week. - Voidworld Trials: If the class is an Element Bearer then it will now start with a weapon appropriate to that class's Element (instead of using the Difficulty Element). - Survival Function: When starting a new sector it now says you gained a Trove Re-roll. - Survival Function: The amount of wall lasers that can activate is now equal to the Difficulty-1 (eg so there's now no lasers in Difficulty 1). - Survival Function - Treasure Trove: Items that are free are now marked. - Rogue Convergence - Difficulty 2 Boss: The speed of its biggest laser has been increased. - Shops: When using a gamepad or non-mouse you can now move your weapons/abilities/drones in the appropriate shop. - When triggering multiple Abilities of the same type that have a screen effect (eg Healing Winds) it will now add the duration timers together (previously it would just reset them). - Primitive weapon trait: In Survival Function this now has a 33% chance of offering a weapon upgrade for free. - Gunineer Drone: Their weapons will now be a random weapon based on the gun elements you have, with their gun level being based on the Drone's level. - Guard Drone: If you are far away then they will now stop attacking and move towards you (so they don't get stuck bashing on a Boss eye). - Mega Potion item: This now gives +69 Health/Energy (instead of +50 Health). - Energy Fusion item: This will no longer give Energy if you're currently dashing. - Drain Traitum item: The healing now has a Damage cap per hit of 0.25. //bug fixes - Settings - Controls: They were showing a Confirm button tip (instead of Change). - Choose Class: The win gems were showing the wrong colours. - The unlock text for Survival Function and Voidworld Trials wasn't correct. - Codex Compendium - Itemography - Weapons/Traitums: The selector wasn't accurate. - The Discharge and Pristine trait descriptions were going offscreen when using the CRT screen effect. - Abilities weren't cooling down when you were Dashing. - Rogue Convergence - Boss: The small eyes could not show the correct theme colour when they attack. - Rogue Convergence - Boss: The wall lasers weren't immediately being destroyed when the final Boss dies. - Rogue Convergence - Some special Device rooms when hacked would change their background. - Voidworld Trials: If the class was an Errant Knight then you could start with a non-melee weapon. - Clashful Cards: This game mode wasn't showing correctly when using the Steam Deck or CRT resolutions. - Campaign Pilgrimage: The sneak peek wasn't showing correctly when using the Steam Deck or CRT resolutions. - Banished Prisoner class: His unlock wasn't counting free/health re-rolls. - Cog Gobbler class: In a Survival Function he would die when a Treasure Trove spawns. - Serenos Bearer class: His idle animation was showing a wrong colour. - Status Screen: Switching from a gamepad to using the mouse could cause a crash. - Somehow getting both an Auxiliary Gunic and Auxiliarious Gunica would cause a crash. - Buying more than 111 passive items would cause a crash. - Manufactorium sector room: Its Hacked message was scuffed. - Mimic Mouldmaker class: If you had the Barricade Shield item then you could still be offered a Knightly Shields class item. - Gun Runner shop: If duplicate weapons were offered that you don't have in your Codex then buying one would still show the Codex icon on the others. - Gun Runner shop: When buying a Mega Weapon it could use a weapon with a level lower than 3 if you had multiple of that weapon. - Drones: When they move vertically and aren't close they would constantly swap their facing.