[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43325109/7dfbd5aaeea0f8fa62e0d085029039ea63adfdf2.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [h1]Hear, Hear, dear Queens and Kings! 🎺 [/h1] We heard you like quests. What about MAKING SOME? :Eyes: 😁 [b]Welcome to the Quest Fair! ✨[/b] [i]How does it work? πŸ€” [/i] Design a cool, original, achievable quest for each of the 4 levels: Nordfels, Durststein, Frostsee, and Uferwind! Post your ideas in the #questfair channel on our [url=https://discord.gg/pFd3hhv7vB]Discord.[/url] [b][h3]πŸ“œ RULES:[/h3][/b] [b][list] [*] Submit at most one quest idea per level. [*] You may invent new quest rules but no new game rules (no new weapons, no new perks, no new enemies etc. only stuff you can already do in game) [*] Quest rules need to be simple enough to fit into a short line (e.g. win without houses) [/list][/b] We will select one quest for each level, and implement it in the game! :Eyes: [b]The event deadline is on January 5th, 2024 at 9 AM CST ; no more quests will be accepted after.[/b] We'll then proceed to review all your juicy ideas and pick the 4 winners! Feel free to upvote the ideas you like so we have a better idea of what you would like. =) [b][h3]πŸ†PRIZES[/h3][/b] [i]The 4 winners will get rewarded with:[/i] [list] [*] The Champion Discord role [*] 2 Steam keys to share with your friends [*] Having their idea make it in-game! [*] A spot in the coveted Discord and Steam's Hall of Fame, where your name will remain for eternity... [/list] A lot of you have asked for more creative quests. Here's your chance to make a contribution and help us shape Thronefall further! πŸ™‚ As usual, please let us know how you like it, and if you have any improvement in mind, or event suggestions for the next one! We like the idea of offering you the opportunity to participate, make a direct contribution, and have your ideas make it into the game. Good luck!! 😎