[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43325109/34bc096d56a75275e2ba2b8be188ac99dee3e277.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [b][h1]Hear, Hear, dear Queens and Kings![/h1][/b] We give you Thronefall's very first community event: [i]The Desert Lightning Challenge![/i] [i]But what is it? 🤔[/i] EZ PZ. (or is it? 👀 ) All you have to do is play on Durststein, with the [i]Lightning Wand[/i], AND the [i]Commander Mode[/i] perk, and try to get the highest score possible! [b]You can bring any amount of other perks and mutators you want.[/b] Just take a screenshot of the "Victory" screen, so everyone can see Durststein's background, and post it on our [b][url=https://discord.gg/SAUX6CUd]Discord server[/url][/b] in the #lightningdesert channel. Feel free to chat there using threads, as the channel itself will be dedicated to the event. [b]The event's deadline is on Friday, October 13, 9 AM CST time ; no more scores will be accepted after. We'll then proceed to announce the winners. [/b] [h3][b] :trophy: PRIZES[/b][/h3] The 3 highest scores will get rewarded with: [list] [*] The [i]Champion[/i] Discord role [*] 2 Steam keys to share with your friends [*] A spot in the coveted Discord and Steam's Hall of Fame, where your name will remain for eternity... [/list] Join our [b][url=https://discord.gg/SAUX6CUd]Discord server[/url][/b], to compete with your fellow rulers! This is the first of many more challenges and events! We're excited to see what strategies and scores you'll come up with. 😁 We know some could be tempted to photoshop or cheat, and that's why we ask for your honesty and fair-play here. We're working on a method to prevent that from being a problem in the future. If you're able to submit a little video of the last night of your run to give it more credibility and value, that's great! As this is Thronefall's first event, please let us know how you like it, and if you have any improvement in mind, or event suggestions for the next one! [h3]May the tournament... BEGIN! Good luck![/h3]