[b]Dear Queens and Kings, [/b]Before everybody heads off into the holidays we have one last little update for you this year! It contains a couple of bug fixes as well as the option to play in winter-mode. When winter-mode is enabled all levels are covered in snow to perfectly match with your cozy holiday afternoons. You can toggle this option in the gameplay settings. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43325109/81c255d91bd84de9a8543a9d9db03da898557abe.png[/img] We wish we had a bigger “gift” for you, but while we are already cooking up more content and levels, unfortunately nothing is quite ready for showtime yet. In the meantime we just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you again for all the love and support! 2023 has been an incredibly exciting year for us and we’re so grateful for the warm reception Thronefall’s Early Access launch received. We hope you have a great time with your family and loved ones. We’re going to take some days off too, and are already excited to get back to work on the new level! [i]See you next year, Jonas & Paul[/i] [b]PATCH NOTES 1.36: [/b] [i][b]Changes: [/b] • You can now toggle the winter-mode in the gameplay settings. In winter mode it's wintery winter in all levels. [b]Bug Fixes: [/b] • At night you never have to wait longer than 5 seconds for new enemies to spawn when the map is empty now. We fixed a bug that made all remaining enemies spawn at once. This bug might have made some nights (both in campaign as well as in eternal trials) a lot harder than they should have been. Sorry for that and thanks for helping us find this so quickly. • Improved flyer navmesh on Durststein a bit. Hopefully flying enemies should no longer be able to get stuck now. • Fixed a way to go out of bounds on Durststein • Ram attack range increased from 3 to 3.5 to reduce some glitchy behavior. • Rams should no longer get stuck on Uferwind. • Some minor localisation improvements. • Exploders should no longer be able to damage invulnerable gold mines. [/i]