[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43325109/5911501c57e79edb6b85ebb85467423be65fce01.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [h1] Hear, Hear, Queens and Kings of Thronefall! [/h1] [h3][b]🏆 The Tournament of Twisted Tactics Has Come to a Glorious End! 🏆[/b][/h3] Brave Commanders, brilliant Strategists, and Thronefall enthusiasts, the time has come to celebrate the champions of our “Tournament of Twisted Tactics”! We are excited to present the five winning strategies that stood out with their ingenuity and style! Without further ado, let’s honor our victors: [hr][/hr] [b]🥇 1st Place – Playing With Mouse & Feet Only[/b] [i]" Insanity" by FlediX2[/i] " You have to beat Nordfels, Durststein and Frostsee under the following restrictions: [list] [*] Mouse Only (You may only control the player with the mouse; the escape key is excluded from this) [*] Feet Only (You may only use your feet to control the mouse; the escape key is excluded from this) [*] Castle Only (You may only have the castle constructed after the last night) [*] Deathless (You may never die) [*] 1 Restart (You may restart once! This restart cannot be used after a death or after your castle centre is destroyed. It may however be used to undo a building, wrong upgrade or mistake which did not result in death or loss. I would've loved to make this no restarts, but accidentally built a harbour in the middle of Frostsee and had to restart) [*] One session (You have to complete all three maps back to back. No major breaks are allowed) [/list] Mutators: [list] [*] No Units Pact (You won't buy any barracks) [*] No Towers Pact (You won't buy any towers) [*] No Walls Pact (You won't buy any walls) [*] God of Death (You won't die) [*] Wasp God (eh, why not)" [/list] [url=https://youtu.be/rx_FFMQEpmU] Video of the run [/url] [hr][/hr] [b]🥈 2nd Place – Nordfels Blinfolded[/b] [i]"The Blind King" by LeonReg[/i] "Playing Nordfels blindfolded. You get lost very easily since you don't hear that you're colliding with walls or buildings yet it's still fun!" [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZYsC_hwedg] Video of the run [/url] [hr][/hr] [b]🥉 3rd Place – No Units, No Towers, No King Damage on Durststein[/b] [i]"The Peasants Are Revolting!" by Tim von Ahsen[/i] "My peasants decided that the real monster was my militarist regime. So, they disarmed the king, drove off the soldiers and burned the towers. Will the revolutionaries manage to protect their homes, farms, and mines? (No units or towers. The king must never attack. Durstein.)" [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=358WxlafP-o] Video of the run [/url] [hr][/hr] [b]🏅 4th Place – Never leaving the top of the hill on Sturmklamm[/b] [i]"King of the Hill" by Quontavious[/i] "Don't leave the top of the hill on Sturmklamm for any reason. I put on the no units and no towers pact." [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_q5Bf00Ly4] Video of the run [/url] [hr][/hr] [b]🏅 5th Place – No Walls, No Units, No Economy, No Towers on Wildbach[/b] [i]"Wildbach Minimalist Build" by Kuhpunkt[/i] "No walls, no units, no economy, no towers - couldn't get around building a temple for the final round." [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBcKsgDwOVY] Video of the run [/url] [hr][/hr] Thank you all for participating!! We truly appreciate everyone who took part in the Tournament of Twisted Tactics. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the event—what you enjoyed and any suggestions you have for future challenges. Feel free to share your feedback with us here or [url=https://discord.gg/gVYctptyg8] on Discord![/url] Thank you for your continuous support. It helps us a ton and means a lot to us!! [h3]Until next time![/h3]