[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43325109/224d557d3f522598e844cc975201c4212ab5473c.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [h1] Hear ye, Queens and Kings of Thronefall! [/h1] Our grand "Throne Tales" adventure has come to a close! 🎉 Your amazing stories have painted a rich and vivid picture of our realm; a heartfelt thank you to all who shared their tales and made this event special! While every story added a unique spark to our world, a few stood out and enchanted us. ✨ Let’s give a royal cheer for the storytellers who captivated our imaginations: [b] Dr.Puzzler for "And The Rain Pitter-Pattered | A Sturmklamm Story"[/b] [i]Long ago, the old ones crafted us. Our purpose was given– To watch and protect. And the rain pitter-pattered. We grew old and worn. Our purpose remained– To watch and protect. And the rain pitter-pattered. A once great land, now ruins. Why were we abandoned? But our purpose remained– To watch and protect. And the rain pitter-pattered. A new ruler has come, intent on conquest. And now we stir, our purpose held true in our hearts– We will watch, and we will protect. And the rain pitter-patters.[/i] [b]Tiger Tank-II for "The Beast"[/b] [i]The monstrous rumble nearly shook me off my horse. Explosions and wailing shrieks filled the air, causing my ears to ring. My mind raced to make sense of the chaos. How had the enemy bypassed me and my army? Turning around, I caught a fleeting glimpse of my soldiers' faces, etched with despair. When I finally faced the horror myself, I was paralyzed. I couldn't move or speak. But for my men, for my family, for my kingdom, I had to act. Summoning myself to snap out of it , I shouted, "ATTACK!" and charged toward the beast. Tears welled in my eyes, fearing for my life.[/i] [b]The_Pale_Wizard for "Wind Spirits"[/b] [i]An ancient war goddess once protected the lands with a great army. She detested archers, believing there was no honor in dealing death from a distance. Many of her warriors fell at the hands of bows in the dawn of the new age. When the goddess left this world for the next, she mustered the vengeful spirits of her fallen warriors to turn aside arrows aimed for the hearts of her followers. Her temples are pyramids, a tradition carried on from her homeland near Durststein.[/i] [b]AAron for "A Sea Without Frostsee"[/b] [i]“Liking the taste of sea salt, Lutz?” Elsbeth asked, stroking the scaly skin of her mount. Lutz’s tongue had danced like an energetic snake the entire ride. She could tell he was doing much better now that they were somewhere warmer. Uferwind. A burgeoning coastal kingdom. The breeze was pleasant. But the sea made her nervous. She remembered the cold. The terrible wail, and the appendages piercing the icy lake. “We’ll be safe here, Lutz.” The Lizzard happily stuck his tongue out, lapping the wind.[/i] [b]Dylvester for "The Cometfall Festival"[/b] [i]As dusk set upon Frostsee, a slight grimace crossed King Valen’s face as he stepped out into the frigid air of his once serene realm. It was a full moon, an evening meant for joy, but now just another amongst the grueling struggle for survival. What was formerly known as the land’s most cherished gathering, the Cometfall Festival, which celebrated the arrival of a meteor that landed in the Everlake, has long been forgotten. In its place, a nightly ominous wail has taken over, emanating from the Shadow in the Water.[/i] [b]Congratulations to you 5!!![/b] There were many good stories we enjoyed reading, but we nevertheless had to pick 5. It's always a difficult choice to make! We hope you enjoyed this creative event as much as we did! If you have any feedback, and / or ideas for the next event, or if we should do things any differently, please make sure to tell us, replying here or on Discord. We're always curious to hear what you have to say! Want to join the fun? Make sure to [url=https://discord.gg/gVYctptyg8] join our Discord server [/url] to not miss any community events and announcements related to the game! Thank you all for participating! Though this chapter ends, our journey continues. Keep crafting, keep dreaming, and let’s look forward to more thrilling tales ahead. Until then, long live the spirit of Thronefall! [h3]Take care everyone! 🤗 [/h3]