[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43325109/454b3c822342930985429743777b67b16f1cb763.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Dear Queens and Kings, We asked you for quest suggestions and you delivered! As promised we will pick some of the most popular ideas and bring them into the game.[/b][/h3] [i]Things went a bit differently than expected.[/i] We mostly expected combinations of weapons, perks and mutators with perhaps a few new mutators mixed in here and there. What we got from you instead was an absolute onslaught of fantastic ideas for new ways to play, that a couple of simple quests would almost not do justice. We’re currently exploring ways how we could introduce those as kind of “special” game modes or challenges. Since we’re also all hands on the new map which as promised has our priority at the moment we hope you forgive us if the implementation of those will take a little while. We read through all of your suggestions and collected a lot more inspiration than just the presented “winners” here, but for some ideas we still need some time to check how feasible they are from a technical and gameplay perspective. [b]For the following “winners” however, we can already say with high confidence, these will make it into the game in one way or another. [/b] [h2]Congrats and thanks for the fantastic suggestions:[/h2] [i][b]No Preparation, go go go! By matan[/b][/i] [i]“Complete [Map Level Name] with less than 15 secs of preparations timer between waves"[/i] This post received the most community upvotes by a long margin so how could we say no. The idea didn’t cross our mind before and it sure does sound like a fun new way to play Thronefall. We’ll think about where to best implement that into the game and give it a go go go! [b][i]I like it just the way they are By Gertimoshka[/i][/b] [i]“Never move any of your own units from their starting positions.”[/i] Both we as well as the community liked the idea. We’ll find a way to put it into the game, probably as a mutator so you can’t accidentally move your units and mess up the quest. [b]The great Wall By CaporalNico[/b] [i]“Before Night 3 build a wall or two. They can protect your castle. Then don't let a single part of your wall get destroyed” [/i] The idea of having to protect something specific came up a few times but protecting your walls seems like the most fun and intuitive twist on the idea. We’re not sure how well it would work as a quest (the rules don’t quite fit into the quests section), but we have some ideas and will find a way to make it work. Nice one. [b]One Man Army By Hjorse Rider[/b] [i]“Thematically, you're a one man army who wins whichever battle you participate in.”[/i] This concept or idea came up multiple times in different variations. In Hjorse Rider’s version building towers would still be allowed but building units would not be. In other variants e.g. by FlediX2 you may only build and upgrade your castle center and nothing else. Hjorse Rider gets the win in this category for choosing the best name “One Man Army '' and for receiving the most community upvotes. That being said, we find all of these options interesting and will likely explore different variations of this idea in the game. [b]When are these “quests” coming?[/b] We are currently hard at work on a new map, so we’ll look into this right AFTER the new map is out. [h3]Thanks a lot for your understanding and patience and thanks again for your fantastic ideas and suggestions.[/h3]