[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43325109/937991e1a9e415a557ac3ff12f5e75fbd11b6685.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [b][h1]Hear, Hear, dear Queens and Kings![/h1][/b] As Spring comes around, and life itself springs anew, it is time for yet another royal tourney, where rulers from distant lands travel to face each other in a fierce competition. A.. peculiar kind of competition, one that will require a different set of skills. Will you be up to the task..? Welcome to the [i]Midas Mayhem Challenge![/i] The challenge's rules are as follows: [b]Play on Nordfels, with the Heavy Sword, as well as the Elite Towers, Healing Spirits, and the Loan perks, and try to end the level with the MOST gold possible![/b] [hr][/hr] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43325109/223c5bd6173ceed329f67b974ae4a70232605475.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [i] Mutators are allowed if you wish to have more fun, but Pray to the War Gods is forbidden.[/i] Just take a screenshot of the "Victory" screen, so everyone can see Nordfel's background, as well as the score from the gold bonus, and post it on our [b][url=https://discord.gg/4q9vdUKWya]Discord server[/url][/b] in the #midas-mayhem channel. As that was the case for the Lightning Desert Event, if you're competing for one of the top spots, please submit a little video of the last night of your run to give it more credibility and keep video evidence for the entire run just in case! [b]The event's deadline is on Monday, April 1rst, 9 AM CST time ; no more scores will be accepted after that. We'll then review the submissions before announcing the winners a few days after! [/b] [h3][b] 🏆PRIZES [/b][/h3] [b]The 5 greediest rulers will get rewarded with:[/b] [list] [*] The [i]Champion[/i] Discord role [*] 2 Steam keys to share with your friends [*] A spot in the coveted Discord and Steam's Hall of Fame, where your name will remain for eternity... [/list] [b]As for everyboy else, here are some goals to shoot for:[/b] [list] [*] 100+ Gold: King Midas is satisfied with your results. [*] 225+ Gold: King Midas wants you to join his council. [*] 350+ Gold: King Midas offers you his throne. [/list] Join our [b][url=https://discord.gg/4q9vdUKWya]Discord server[/url][/b], to compete with your fellow rulers! As always, we're excited to see what strategies you'll come up with. 😁 Please let us know if you have any improvement suggestions for the next time we run an event like this (or any ideas)! On another note, rest assured that we haven't forgotten about implementing your winning ideas from the Quest Fair in-game. Between releasing Sturmklamm and working on the big Eternal Trials rework, there was a lot we had to do, but we'll do our best to make it happen fairly soon. [h3]May the tournament... BEGIN! Good luck![/h3]