After years of development, we are incredibly proud (and nervous!) to say that The Tartarus Key is now available! We hope you enjoy yourself, as much as anyone trapped inside a mansion with elaborate death traps and obscure motivations can. Don't forget to grab the soundtrack to enjoy some impeccable murder vibes as well! It's always tricky to write these posts, as it can feel like you're just echoing the words of every developer out there who puts all the time and effort it does into making a game. "We hope you like it." "We hope you have fun." "Don't forget to review it!" All of those are obviously things we feel and want to say - making and releasing a game is always hard and scary, even if you aren't making a horror game. But more than anything, what we want to say is thank you. The excitement and curiosity of everyone who has ever sent us a message, shared our game, or even just wishlisted it has meant the world to us, and has been a wonderful support to have. So, thank you. Yes, you! Imagine this is like one of those post-credits scenes where they add "... and YOU!" at the end, because we couldn't have done it without you.