[h3]Greetings, space troopers! The day has finally come![/h3] Today, having fought his way through an army of bugs, Colonel Grom loudly announces the release of Tenebris into [b]Early Access![/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/e4ffc67bd6cd7af322fe893d2c0a47016cba5de7.jpg[/img] When we decided to begin development on [b]Tenebris: Terra Incognita[/b], we drew on [b]Darkest Dungeon[/b], but decided to change a number of mechanics, make the game more fair to the player, and at the same time keep the difficulty fairly high. Misses and failed odds on effects remain, but we set out to create a system where the outcome is up to the player, and mistakes can actually teach you something rather than making you hope for a different dice roll result. We are fans of [b]Star Troopers[/b], so the action of the game takes place in the distant future. Brave soldiers with huge guns and the favorite smell of burning bugs in the morning - that's the atmosphere of our setting! [h2]An adventure of several dozen hours of play awaits you in Early Access. [/h2] As you explore the dystopian planet of Tenebris, you'll encounter not only the creatures of the Misty Wastes that you may be familiar with from the demo, but also new, particularly dangerous bugs of the Pyrite Tree. They never come to the surface, but it's best to go down to their caves with an exceptionally experienced squad. To equalize your chances in combat with them, we highly recommend using flamethrowers! And, of course, you will meet 6 horrible bosses. These nasty creatures will make you use up all your ammo! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/141a077e368afb7f274cf3112225706c54395ba9.jpg[/img] [h2]To battle them you will have 13 types of heroes at your disposal.[/h2] The heroes will gain levels for completing missions and killing monsters. For each new level the hero is given talent points, with which he opens new active and passive skills. When a hero reaches level 11, they get a new talent branch and a new class, and some heroes get to choose from two different classes. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/f82ef33611c64373b95c9241770460921aeaf178.png[/img] [b]Career[/b] is a special system of hero development, when the hero reaches level 11 and 21, new subclasses with their own unique mechanics are opened. The hero makes a sort of transformation into a stronger version of himself. A new subclass can often completely change the style of play for a given hero. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/9977249f68099408f6e74c7a53443f148ea0d6e2.png[/img] For example, they might change from a support hero to an attack hero thanks to a whole host of new skills and modifications to old ones. Thus, the 5 starting heroes are joined by 8 enhanced heroes, available after level 10. [h2]We also added 3 levels of difficulty![/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/0ae0bfffabbd5bb27149a04f74a245a7c0ba4fa6.jpg[/img] [b]“Easy Walk”[/b] will forgive you for many mistakes and allow you to learn the mechanics of the game without unnecessarily risking soldiers and resources. The game will still make you sweat, but the heroes always return to base and will be willing to try again. [b]“Serious challenge”[/b] is the main difficulty and how Tenebris should be played in our vision. Heroes don't die forever, but some missions can seem impossible until you figure out the skills and proper squad configuration, or at least find a way to pump up your team. [b]“Horror movie”[/b] is also a difficulty, and we don't want to be responsible for that. Characters die instantly and permanently. Reinforcements don't come in waves, but one at a time - there will be no breather. You will have to memorize and count the skills of your opponents, remember their behavior patterns. Missions are not passable without the knowledge of non-obvious mechanics and techniques, which you will have to discover on your own. [h2]Future plans[/h2] We plan to regularly release patches, primarily with new content and fixing bugs that we haven't had time to catch! We are prioritizing 2 new biomes with unique monsters and their mechanics, as well as a large number of bosses. Their appearance will be built around the continuation of the storyline we are painstakingly working on. [h2]Special thanks! [/h2] Thanks to everyone who has been with us from the very beginning, joined us since the first and second demo and waited for the Early Access release for a long time! Your contribution to the development of the game is very, very important, without you it would be much more difficult for us to understand the right direction.