We wish everyone blessed holidays and a Happy New Year, lots of love, success, and happiness! Friends, in this post we will tell you about what's new in the game, how the development is going, summarize the results and share our plans. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/e453ec7ee47645977100cedddb4de078d81e7072.png[/img] It's been 10 weeks since the last update, which means it's time to tell you what we've been up to in all that time. [list] [*] Work on high-level heroes is underway [*] New talent trees have been introduced into the game [*] New animations using Colonel Grom's mech as an example [*] Bestiary [*] Lockpicking [*] New monsters [*] Equipment balancing and new weapons [*] Questionnaire [*] Plans [*] Post Scriptum [/list] [h2]Work on tier 3 hero units in underway[/h2] Heroes of the third rank, or Tier-3, represent the final level of development of any archetype. We are not sure if we will have time to add them in early access, but since there will be as many as 10 of them in the game, we have already started working on them. Below we will tell you about some of them. [h3]Centurio[/h3] The Centurio was a unique mech. They turned out to be too expensive for the army, and their mass production was abandoned. However, this is a Centurio in front of you. So they are still being made. We still don't know who funded them. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/6913729f805de8c82902c9c8b617ffb406cfbd6b.png[/img] This will be the most armored unit in the game, and you can evolve into them at lvl 20. [h3]Phantasma[/h3] If you're one of the best in your Sancto squad, you may be drafted into the very elite of Special Forces, Phantasma. There you'll punish terrorists and rescue hostages from the toughest messes. You'll also have prototypes of the latest OSMM 2.0 devices being field-tested, and you won't be detected by even the sharpest enemy eye. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/27a4fd8cd1606db740db2c90894f68c0aad49c66.png[/img] We must add that the hero looks quite intimidating, and for good reason. After all, this is one of the deadliest damagers in the game! [i]Additionally, the game will also feature unique story characters such as Murena and Spartacus.[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/d5ff66754212f5c3aa61a8dbff3670e3c21fd462.png[/img] [h3]Murena, the sniper of the Misty Wasteland[/h3] No one knows what this girl's real name is. She got the nickname "Murena" due to her grim reputation, she has 309 destroyed enemy soldiers and officers to her credit. Murena is another story character with whom we hope you will spend countless hours. Murena is an excellent sniper. She will join your squad as soon as you help her with a reconnaissance operation on Tenebris. The character actively uses a stealth system in combat, which gives her the ability to evade direct enemy attacks. The main point is to properly distribute talent points and competently combine her ability, in conjunction with other heroes. [h3]Fierce berserker - Spartacus[/h3] Thanks to his connections and brilliant service record, Spartacus managed to get into a classified elite unit - Berserker, and for his special merits he was given the highest award - a personal two-handed sword "Skofnung". Since then, Spartacus has never parted with his sword, and together they have gone through many battles. Who knows how many more years Spartacus' military career would have lasted if it hadn't been for Colonel Grom. An old friend persuaded them to go on an expedition together, to conquer the "new world". The hero will have his own unique talent tree and battle mechanics, when the hero enters the state of rage and can go crazy in battle. For example, he goes out of the player's control, but at the same time does a tremendous amount of damage. In general, it will be interesting and unconventional. In addition, when developing talent trees, we always try to provide the possibility of several alternative builds for the hero to get away from the meta. This is just to say that there are other "surprises" in store for the hero. [i]Friends, so as not to reveal all the cards at once, we won't talk about the other characters just yet, but they all have their uniqueness and specific abilities in the squad.[/i] [h2]New talent trees have been introduced into the game[/h2] We wrote before that we decided to get away from passive skills in talent branches and make them more interesting. Now every active skill has a lot of amplifications in talent branches, and we have already implemented them in the game. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/82a9761c72dfeee7eb03fb2039fcdfd04be79683.png[/img] For this purpose our artists have drawn about 200 icons, and the work is still in progress, because there will be 23 heroes in the game (not counting story ones), and that means 23 unique talent trees! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/d2f92fbb683dd80a04362506b5d62bc63601975f.png[/img] [h2]New animations using Colonel Grom's mech as an example[/h2] We've improved the in-game animations for a large number of heroes, you can see it on the example of Colonel Thunder's mech. [previewyoutube=mSNatxhtw4M;full][/previewyoutube] Right now, Grom is preparing to go to the Fiery Caves to finally finish off the queen of one of the hives. We hope you enjoy your adventure together! [h2]Bestiary[/h2] Another significant addition will be the introduction of the Bestiary into the game. Everyone will be able to study in detail the information about the monsters they met on their journey. This will help to create builds for different biomes and monsters living there, taking into account their strengths and weaknesses. This applies especially to bosses, which there will be a lot in the game! We believe the Bestiary will help you create unique builds and share them with other players in the future. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/534869ab9857af7040e29685f2d00902ec2f5311.png[/img] [h2]Lockpicking[/h2] A new mechanic will now appear in the game - opening the locks on chests and doors. All the most delicious things will rest in locked chests and wait for their time. In order to get access to new equipment and content, you will need to have a Technicus hero or stronger versions of him in your team. [h2]New Enemies[/h2] The bugs do not sleep and are constantly waiting for their time to stop the invasion of bipedal aliens. We plan to introduce new monsters and bosses all the time, as we are well aware that for any tactical game we need to set new challenges for the player. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/a5664af644f8d3bcdcd7de1c33b5a4b6dd2d0115.png[/img] [h3]Scorpio[/h3] The Scorpio is the nightmare of our assault squads. This vile creature favors frontal attacks and is particularly bloodthirsty. As if that wasn't enough, it also has a venomous stinger. A word of advice for all new recruits - don't turn your back on a Scorpio! [h3]Brachinus[/h3] Brachinus is a kind of swarm artillery. Despite its tough chitinous shell, it prefers to stay on the sidelines rather than in the thick of battle. In combat, fires a barrage of acid, covering an entire squad of enemies with a single shot. [h3]Eviscerator[/h3] Eviscerator is a large warrior beetle with powerful slashing paws that can tear through even centimeter steel. Fortunately, it is not often found on the surface of the wasteland. We suspect that its main task is to guard the heart of the hive. [h3]Sonicus[/h3] Remember the cute Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon? Well, this beetle is a hellish version of him. Covered in chitinous armor with spikes, he easily destroys everything that poses the slightest danger to him. Its powerful body blasts can take down entire groups of enemies. [h2]Equipment balancing and new weapon types[/h2] We finally got to the equipment generation system. The basic system you saw in the demo has been finalized, and now it's as good as new! The equipment itself is created more uniquely and properly, reducing the creation of identical items to a minimum. More bonuses have been added, the distribution between levels and rarity has been introduced. The bonuses themselves became better, now they have a stronger impact on the gameplay. Less samey junk, more unique and useful pieces to battle with! For example, Medicus will now have 4 equipment slots instead of 3. Medpack is a type of equipment that will affect the power of healing. The Pneumatone will remain a weapon for dealing damage to enemies. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/f8ec2a93cf175b23389441c072fba8159f9e2b5d.png[/img] The sniper - Pellentes - has a second type of weapon - pistols. The hero will now have 4 equipment slots at level 1, instead of three in the demo version. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43479516/8eb44ccb0309fe8780ef41448596427b43cb94d7.png[/img] As in the case of medpack for medics, it was done for better balancing of skills and game mechanics. Icons are already rendered and will be added in the next game build. [h2]Questionnaire[/h2] Everyone who has played the demo version and who cares about the future quality of Tenebris, please fill out the survey (takes 5 minutes). Based on the results of the survey we will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the game and take your wishes into account during development. 👉 Questionnaire [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeFJnp3JVXm9k5253997ouXcrgfQaJcrN1Z23ReW7MhXi3w5Q/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0]at this link (google drive)[/url]: [h2]Plans[/h2] In early spring we plan to update the demo version of the game on Steam, so that you can evaluate the improvements in the game for yourself. The game is scheduled for early access in Q2 2024, we are actively working on making the game look decent, and we are waiting for its release together with you! [h2]PS.[/h2] Friends, subscribe to our [url=https://discord.com/invite/FAJDqB35Bc]Discord[/url], and you will be able to communicate with the game development team directly and learn news first! Also, due to Steam rules we can't post links to third-party resources like Patreon here. However, if you want to support us, subscribe to our [url=https://discord.com/invite/FAJDqB35Bc]Discord[/url], there you will find all the information.