[b]OVERALL [/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug with passive skills of heroes when buying them in the Cryo Centre. [*] Fixed the lack of passive skills for some heroes of the second tier. [*] Experience from killed enemies increased by 15% [/list] [b]COMBAT[/b] [list] [*] Libritor - the passive skill ‘Overheat’ now applies fewer combustion effects. [*] Libritor's Thermodynamics skill now removes overheating. [*] Boss Vermutoidus - now applies fewer negative effects. [*] Pistol type Weapons - damage has been reduced. [*] Hero Sancto - increased Dodge from the Optical Camouflage skill. [*] Monster Chamaeleontis - increased Dodge from their stealth skill. [/list] [b]UI [/b] [list] [*] Loading screens have been replaced with the correct ones. [/list] [b]Missions[/b] [list] [*] “Roots bloody roots” story mission: fixed the camera. [*] A level 2 Defencor will be added to the character hub after the first mission. [/list] [b]CHANGES [/b] [list] [*] Fixed monster levels in the Hangar mission. [/list] [b]LOCALISATION[/b] [list] [*] Some text fixes. [/list]