v0.39.0 [h2]General[/h2] [list] [*] All events now have art and most have had their choices reworked [*] Added new elite fight to Act 2 [*] Added a simple map reveal animation to the beginning of acts [*] Blind Recluse health reduced by 200 [*] Beholder health reduced by 200 and now summons 1 fewer tentacles before Ascension 8 [*] Targeting Projectile and Directional cards now shows an arrow near the hero showing the targeted direction [*] Fixed crash if pressing DPad directions before combat starts [*] Reduced likelihood of getting the same combat twice in a row [/list] [h2]Ascensions[/h2] [list] [*] For Ascensions 1-5, Ascension progress is unlocked for all hero combinations [*] Ascensions 6-10 are now known as “Heroic Ascensions” and get unlocked for each unique hero pairing [/list] [h2]Phantom[/h2] [list] [*] Acrobatics: energy cost 2 -> 1, upgrade makes it innate [*] Backstab: damage 6+6(9+9) -> 6+8(9+11) [*] Drifter’s Gift: rarity changed from rare to uncommon [*] Fan of Knives: now has a wide conical shape; upgrade increases Exposed 1 -> 2 and increases damage from 6 to 8 [*] Gloaming: energy cost 2(1) -> 1(0) [*] Heavy Chakram: now counts for all generated cards this combat; damage per generated card from 5(7) to 2(3) [*] Lizard Kick: damage 8(11) -> 9(12) [*] Shrouded Blades: Costs X and grants Phantom X+2 Kunais. Upgrade gives X+3 Kunais. [*] Pacify: when you apply intimidate, you apply -1 Fervor this turn [*] Stygian Bomb: damage 20(28) -> 24(32) [*] Trickster’s Veil: now works with defense and block runes [*] Whirling Dervish: now a projectile; deals 7 damage and applies 2 Feeble and chains to 2(4) additional targets [/list] [h2]Dragoon[/h2] [list] [*] Heads Up: now a Dragoon card (was Phantom), block increased from 5(8) -> 6(9) [/list]