[i]This patch is another round of quickly addressing your feedback. The big beats include faster forward movement, performance optimizations, revisions to the color grading, Ultra Wide support, a new Casual economy (‘Boosted Buys’), new experimental server regions (Seattle, Dubai, Johannesburg), and a number of fixes related to disconnects. Please keep the feedback coming![/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45129906/4c2ca2f9f6890114eb2a0fc48251d76788e8304e.png[/img] [h1]GENERAL[/h1] [h2]Movement [/h2] [list] [*] Increased forward move speed for all weapons [*] This change should let you traverse the map more quickly with minimal impacts to gunplay [*] This applies to running, walking, crouching, and ADS; melee movement speed remains unchanged [/list] [h2]Performance Optimization[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Improved GPU performance to help reduce framerate spikes[/b] [*] Fresh pass at optimizing visual effects for Sponsors — we have more optimizations on the way, but this patch includes reworks to: [*] Pinnacle – Splinter Grenade [*] Morrgen – Meltdown, Hidden Grasp [*] Bloom – Twin Mend, Swarm Grenade [*] Ryker – Wave Scan, Hull Mine [*] Vector – Dual Amp [*] Ghostlink – Distortion Field [*] Muu – Hyper Dome, Patches [*] Umbra – Glare Burst [/list] [h2]Color Grading[/h2] [list] [*] We’ve taken a fresh pass the color grading across the full game for a more vibrant look [/list] [h2]Casual Match Economy [/h2] [list] [*] New experimental Casual economy driven by ‘Boosted Buys’ – You’ll receive free Heavy Armor, full equipment, and more money every round [/list] [i]Let us know how you feel about these changes and we’ll adjust if needed[/i] [h2]Player Feedback[/h2] [list] [*] Added experimental Ultra Wide Mode that currently supports Standard (16:9 with black bars) and Fill (16:9 - filled to the screen) [*] Please let us know if you if you run into any issues [*] Added a new ‘Anti-aliasing’ setting under Settings > Graphics > Quality, featuring None, FXAA, and Temporal. [*] Increased standing player view height so that aiming 'level with the ground/straight ahead/directly ahead' will result in a headshot regardless of range (You'll also feel a bit taller!) [*] Added hype audio stingers for when you win the round with a Clutch or Ace [*] Added a small number of experimental servers in Seattle, and Johannesburg to help with player ping in these regions [*] Updated our underlying anti-cheat systems based on your reports and new live data [*] Made several improvements that should reduce disconnects during matches [*] Made additional changes that should help you avoid ‘Unable to join party request’ error due to network traffic challenges (If you’re still having issues, please reach out to Player Support) [/list] [h1]MAP UPDATES[/h1] [list] [*] Your team’s Spectres will now spawn much closer to you at the start of a new round (It’s cozy season, right?) [/list] [h1]QUALITY OF LIFE[/h1] [list] [*] Keybinds using ‘, /, and - now show the symbol (rather than spelling out the full word) [*] Re-enabled the “Expanding Search” UI below the matchmaking timer that lets you know we’re widening the matchmaking pool to help you find a match [*] The “Leaver Penalty Warning” dialog no longer shows up when trying to quit the match after the match has finished [*] Increased framerate limit maximum value from 400 to 480 to support 480hz monitors [*] The Surrender button is now available on the Escape Menu all the time during Casual matches [*] Revised styling of Stat Graphs to take up less space and improve readability [*] We’ve removed the Career & Battle Pass Tabs from the Main Menu and re-organized the tab order [*] These will return when they’re ready [/list] [h1]RANKED UPDATES[/h1] [list] [*] We’ve been making adjustments to Ranked progression behind the scenes that should make the climb to Champion smoother, thanks to more consistent SR updates. [/list] [h1]PROGRESSION UPDATES[/h1] [list] [*] Your Active Endorsement is now shown on the Main Menu [*] Fixed a bug where Weapon Purchases were incorrectly counted for Daily/Weekly Quests causing these quests to take much longer than intended [/list] [h1]BUG FIXES[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where you could be disconnected from Team Text & Voice chat unexpectedly [*] Fixed a bug where you would sometimes be disconnected from the server unexpectedly [*] Fixed a bug where mantling during the Buy Phase could be used to get to some unexpected locations [*] Vector’s Nano Sphere no longer blocks bullets if you’re the one that deployed it [*] Fixed a bug where using Umbra’s ‘Enhanced’ equipment would cause you take out your pistol [*] Fixed a bug where interrupting a reload with a ZEUS plant would sometimes temporarily hide your hands [*] Fixed a bug where teammates would sometimes be seen walking in place after using Map Placement [*] Fixed a bug where the Pinnacle Adrenalink animation would sometimes pop when canceling use [*] Fixed a bug where Pinnacle Adrenalink sound effects would continuously loop [*] Fixed a bug where the “Drivers out of date” warning would sometimes show when your drivers were, in fact, up to date [*] Fixed a bug where sometimes spectating teammates using equipment would show a brief visual pop [*] Fixed a bug where the “Learn to use your knife” bot in the Tutorial could end up in extremely unfortunate ragdoll positions when killed [*] Fixed a bug where Umbra’s Pulse Scan could be used to detonate a Ryker Hull Mine through walls unexpectedly [*] Fixed a bug where you’d be unable to use Umbra’s Enhanced Recon Wing if you scanned an enemy with Pulsefinder and then equipped Recon Wing [*] Fixed an issue where the Team Contract UI would persist even after that team/party had disbanded [*] Fixed an issue that increased the likelihood that players on lower-spec machines might hit an Application Hang error during first-load [*] Fixed a bug where your Inventory UI would show you primary weapon’s name in the wrong location when playing in 4K [*] Fixed a bug where the round timer could go below zero due to latency between you and the server [*] Fixed a bug where you could end up in a broken Lobby state if you accepted two party invitations while customizing you and your Spectre [*] Fixed a number of rare crashes based on your reports [*] Minor improvements to translations throughout the game [/list] [h1]KNOWN ISSUES[/h1] [list] [*] We’re investigating an issue where Nvidia Instant Replay causes performance stutters even on high end machines [*] We’re investigating an issue where some voice lines can become stuck playing repeatedly by mistake [*] If you end up in this state, re-using the last equipment/item will usually resolve the issue [*] The new ‘Experimental’ Ultra Wide Mode has a handful issues that we’ll address in the next patch [*] In rare cases, the Ghostlink Partition (Q) can spawn at the incorrect location [*] Occasionally, the holstered pistol of a disconnected player will remaining floating in the world [*] If you try to join a Party that’s full via a Join Code, you can end up in state where you can’t queue for matches until you restart your client [*] When creating a Custom Match in the Main Menu, the lobby can sometimes appear empty; leaving and rejoining will resolve the issue [*] When creating a Custom Match in the Main Menu, quickly swapping maps can cause visual artifacting to occur [*] When using Map Placement, then swapping to your Spectre, your rotation may be wrong for one frame [/list]