[h1]GENERAL[/h1] [list] [*] Added Commons, a new map set in the Communa district [*] Improved hit confirms and reduced weapon fire audio latency – this should make your shots and hits feel snappier [*] Adjusted matchmaking tunings to help you find better matches faster in your available region [*] Improved underlying anti-cheat systems [*] Added two new voices: 04 (Isiah) and 05 (Hana) [/list] [h1]MAP UPDATES[/h1] [h2]New Map: Commons[/h2] Added the fourth map: Commons, set in the Communa district. [list] [*] Commons is tucked into the far western edge of the vibrant Communa district along the Inner Canal. Sounds of Port's commerce usually fill the air - but everything stops to make way for a Santai match held in Communa. The Santai players enjoy raised combat platforms, some shotgun-friendly narrow passages, and the clear sightlines alongside the ship canal toward B. [*] Commons offers long range exterior sightlines and sneaky close-quarters-combat (CQB) interiors that allow you to utilize a variety of weapon pairs. Defenders get early info via Mid which makes strategic maneuvering vital for Attackers. [/list] Commons is enabled in Casual and Custom. It will be part of the Ranked map rotation when Ranked matchmaking goes live. [h1]WEAPON & MOVEMENT UPDATES[/h1] We received a lot of great feedback during the Closed Beta. One of the major topics was weapon handling – particularly horizontal recoil. While weapons in Spectre follow deterministic recoil patterns, we agree that some of the weapons were overly difficult. With this update we've adjusted the recoil on a number of weapons to make them easier to anticipate and control, while still providing a strong incentive to upgrade to higher tiers. [b]Buzzsaw (Submachine Gun)[/b] [list] [*] Slightly reduced horizontal recoil after bullet 4 [*] Slightly increased weapon firing stability [/list] [b]Whisper (Submachine Gun)[/b] [list] [*] Slightly increased weapon firing stability [/list] [b]Cyclone (Rifle)[/b] [i]While difficult to control when spraying, the Cyclone has been performing slightly above expectations. With the reduction in recoil, we've added a new damage range at 30+ meters to help keep the weapon in check.[/i] [list] [*] Slightly reduced mid and late pattern horizontal recoil [*] New 30m+ damage range - Head: 116, Body: 30, Limb: 25 [/list] [b]Crusader (Rifle)[/b] [list] [*] Increased 30m+ headshot damage from 116 to 120 [/list] [b]Drummer (Shotgun)[/b] [i]The performance of the Drummer hasn't quite hit the mark relative to its price point. We want it to be a strong option for its intended range, so we’re making it slightly more capable within that zone. [/i] [list] [*] Increased fire rate from 140 to 160 [*] Decreased overheat decay delay from 0.5 to 0.2 [*] Increased shots before overheat from 5 to 6 [/list] [b]Fury (Machine Gun)[/b] [i]In spite of a recent boost in fire rate, the Fury is still slightly underperforming versus some of its Tier 2 and Tier 3 counterparts. We’ve adjusting its recoil to give it a boost. [/i] [list] [*] Adjusted mid- and late-pattern horizontal recoil to be easier to control [/list] [b]Berzerker (Machine Gun)[/b] [list] [*] Adjusted late pattern horizontal recoil to be easier to control [/list] [b]Harpe (Sniper)[/b] [list] [*] Reduced ADS stabilize duration from 0.35 to 0.27 [/list] [b]Prototype-OP (Sniper)[/b] [i]While the recent increase to ADS stability duration has moved the Prototype-OP into its intended role, we’ve slightly reduced that duration to allow for quicker peeking without turning it into a short-range killing machine.[/i] [list] [*] Reduce ADS stabilize duration from 0.6 to 0.5 [/list] [h2]HIT FEEDBACK[/h2] [i]We’ve made a number of improvements to hit feedback since the Closed Beta across design, engineering, and audio.[/i] [i]We've added crosshair hit confirmations while in ADS. This setting is enabled by default and can be changed in Settings > General > Optic Hit Confirm. [/i] [list] [*] Keep in mind this is a first pass. We’ll be adding more customization and control in a future update. [*] We’ve slightly increased the size of the player hitboxes to more closely reflect skin variety and player outlines. [/list] [i]We’ve also reduced the latency between seeing and hearing your shots. We’ve benchmarked this against a variety of other shooters, and we should now be at parity (or better). Special thanks to the community members who pointed out this delay.[/i] [list] [*] Shots confirmed by the server will now display a hit confirmation on the crosshair [*] You can change this behavior in Settings > General > Optic Hit Confirm [*] Increased the size of player hitboxes [*] Improved hit confirms and reduced weapon fire audio latency – this should make your shots and hits feel snappier [/list] [h2]MOVEMENT[/h2] [i]Movement is an area we’re always watching closely. Because enemies don't need to come to a stop to fire accurately, you spend more time in Spectre tracking moving targets. Any changes to acceleration or max speed makes tracking targets more difficult. Our overarching goal with movement is to foster tense, tactical gameplay rewarding anticipation and prediction rather than raw reaction. With that said, we feel that the movement penalties applied when repeatedly jumping (“bunnyhopping”) were too harsh, and we’ve made some adjustments. We’ve added movement penalties to the list of the things that can be tuned on a per weapon basis, and we’ve taken a first pass at relaxing them across the board. While these changes won’t let you bunnyhop your way across a level, it will open up new opportunities in certain situations.[/i] [list] [*] Reduced movement penalties for repeated jumping for all weapons [*] Weapons now apply jumping movement penalties according their class [*] From least to most restricted: Melee/Utility, Pistols, Submachine Guns, Rifles, Machine Guns, Shotguns, Snipers [/list] [h2]QUALITY OF LIFE[/h2] [list] [*] You no longer have to be on the ground to start a vault/mantle [*] Holding the Vault input will now automatically vault when coming into the range of a vaultable surface [*] Added ‘Last Player Standing’ voice-over audio when you’re the last player alive on your team [*] The Main Menu’s ‘Compete’ button now lets you know when matchmaking search criteria are being expanded [*] Added ‘Last Weapon’ key bind that equips the last equipped weapon [*] Added a setting to disable Text Chat sound effects (Settings > Audio) [*] Added a setting to adjust network buffering to help players troubleshoot network input loss issues (Settings > General) [*] Added accessibility setting for ‘Swap Camera Effect’ [*] When disabled, during a swap to your Spectre, the camera will remain stationary and the visual effects are reduced [*] ‘Surrender’ is now available via the Escape menu if a teammate has abandoned a match [*] When a teammate abandons a match, the server messaging sent to teammates now includes instructions on how to surrender [*] Improved warning dialog when a player tries to leave a match and/or exit the game before the match has ended [*] Dropped weapons now unzoom their optics automatically [*] If you use Morrgen’s Smoke Shift (Q) in a location where your Duality Puck cannot land, you’ll now receive a ‘Recall Failed’ notification [*] Improved the movement of Ghostlink’s Dupe (E) to make it more player-like [*] Added and updated network status icons for incoming packet loss, outgoing packet loss, disconnect, and throttling [*] Added a dialog letting you know if your graphics card drivers are out of date [*] Added a keybind for In-game Help (default F1) [*] Added keybinds for all chat commands [*] The setting for 4K/8K Mouse Polling is now the default [*] Revised the Sponsors tab in the Main Menu to help new players understand how to unlock new Sponsors [/list] [h2]RANKED UPDATES (COMING SOON!)[/h2] [list] [*] For Ranked, adjusted Santai Rank +/- tunings based on Closed Beta [/list] [h2]SOCIAL UPDATES[/h2] [list] [*] You will no longer receive party invites from players that you’ve muted or blocked [*] Added new setting to ‘Only Allow Party Invites from Friends’ (Settings > General) [/list] [h2]UI UPDATES[/h2] [list] [*] Various improvements to crosshair rendering [*] Various improvements to the in-game UI (HUD) [/list] [h2]PROGRESSION UPDATES[/h2] [list] [*] Reduced XP required for Endorsement tracks [/list] [h2]BUG FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where full-screen visual effects on the HUD would cause a drop in client performance (e.g., Dual Amp, Twin Mend, etc.) [*] Fixed a bug where your matchmaking ping to certain regions would be incorrect, potentially causing you to be placed into a match in the wrong region [*] Fixed an issue where partial armor values could persist through half-time [*] Fixed a bug where if you switched between Primary and Alternate fire mid-throw it would not consistently match your final input [*] Fixed a bug where some translucent materials were not fading in/out appropriately within smoke [*] Fixed an issue where rapidly entering/exiting ADS would apply walk speed inconsistently [*] Fixed a bug where Vector’s Nanosphere did not consistently apply the last tick of damage [*] Fixed an issue where sometimes players would be unable to vote during a surrender [*] Fixed a bug where starting and quickly stopping a ZEUS plant could leave the ZEUS in an ‘activated’ visual state [*] Fixed an issue with the hitbox for Vector’s Nanosphere that could make it harder to hit than intended [*] Fixed a bug where Ghostlink’s Passive Dupe could fail to deploy and/or behave unexpectedly [*] Fixed an issue where automatic weapons would sometimes continue firing after releasing the fire input [*] Fixed a bug where you might see teammate movement look jittery while spectating them with high latency/ping [*] Fixed a bug where you could end up in a bad state after planting the ZEUS while reloading in rare circumstances [*] Fixed a bug where some key binds could be reset due to client updates [*] There may still be lingering issues – please let us know if you run into this with details on which keybindings were reset [*] Fixed a bug where reloading the Reaver would sometimes cause the magazine to jitter [*] Fixed a bug that prevented a Party from queuing for Ranked even if all players in the Party met the requirements for Ranked [*] Fixed a bug where the icon for an eliminated player would appear at the wrong location if that player was eliminated in smoke [*] Fixed a bug where sound effects were sometimes muffled when striking boxes/crates [*] Fixed a bug where bullet impact sound effects sometimes spawned in the wrong location [*] Fixed a few minor bugs related to Parties & Friends List [*] Fixed a bug where the ZEUS countdown sound effect could stop incorrectly in rare circumstances [*] Fixed a bug where your camera would sometimes rotate at the start of a new round [*] Fixed a bug where the Champions scene could be shown in the wrong location in the case of a surrender [*] Fixed a bug where first-time weapon draw sound effects were not consistently playing for Spectators [*] Fixed a bug where shooting near an eliminated enemy could show hit impacts unexpectedly [*] Fixed a bug where Party Text & Voice Chat were not always persisting between matches [*] Fixed a bug where Match/Team Text & Voice Chat did not always reconnect when rejoining a match in progress [*] Fixed a bug where Party Voice Chat was always active in the Main Menu regardless of being muted [*] Fixed a bug where certain keybinds would cause misalignments in the HUD [*] Fixed a bug where players could set their Minimap scale beyond intended constraints [*] Minor improvements to translations throughout the game [*] Minor improvements to first-person and third-person character animations [*] Minor optimizations and performance improvements [/list] [h2]KNOWN ISSUES[/h2] [list] [*] After completing a match and returning to the End of Match Scoreboard in the Main Menu, Social and Report functionality for other players are sometimes missing from pop-up menu [*] In rare circumstances, the Ghostlink Partition (Q) can spawn at the incorrect location [*] In rare circumstances, part of the Pinnacle Adrenalink sound effect can become stuck looping. Restarting the client should resolve this issue [*] Teammates may occasionally be seen walking in place after using Map Placement [*] The Free Armor from a Loss Bonus will persist into overtime [*] This will be fixed before Ranked launch [*] In rare circumstances, your teammate may look like they’re holding an invisible gun in third person [*] As Umbra, if you scan an enemy with Pulsefinder (Q) and then take out Recon Wing (E), you will be unable to use Enhanced Recon Wing on the enemy ping [*] Occasionally, the holstered pistol of a disconnected player will remaining floating in the world [*] If you try to join a Party that’s full via a Join Code, you can end up in state where you can’t queue for matches until you restart your client [*] When creating a Custom Match in the Main Menu, the lobby can sometimes appear empty; leaving and rejoining will resolve the issue [*] When creating a Custom Match in the Main Menu, quickly swapping maps can cause visual artifacting to occur [/list]