[img]https://media.giphy.com/media/c2ybDrQGRLgeRi7c92/giphy.gif[/img] Once created by mankind to help repair machines and robots, the drones have since switched sides and now use their versatile skills to eliminate humans. These insidious apparatuses will not come at you right away in a battle, but do not think for a second that you are safe from them. They are the sneaky kind that tend to lurk around bots to heal them from your attacks, and they have plenty of tricks up their sleeves that can make your life miserable. [list] [*] Their signature move is the deadly kamikaze attack: this move of self-destruction deals 4 damage to your heroes standing in their close vicinity! [*] Using their Repair Ally card, they can heal their vicious bot friends you’ve been battling for 3 health – making all your hard work go to waste. [*] With their Drone Buzz, they can dazzle your heroes from afar and make them loose one of their cards. [*] They can always disengage from your heroes without having to discard a card with their ‘’Flee’’ move. [/list] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/5vtDXCIVqcXqI4GWf3/giphy.gif?cid=790b76110cf748652d20442236aa1ec18174c1adadf84381&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] So how can you defeat them? Here are some tips & tricks on dealing with this malicious enemy: [list] [*] Even though they are not injuring you directly and it may seem like it’s less of a priority to eliminate them first, it might be a good idea to get them out of the way before you take on the bigger enemies. [*] If you injure another enemy, it will trigger the drone to move closer in order to heal them. This is the moment when you can take your chance and attack them with an explosive weapon such as the grenade or the bunny. Killing two birds with one stone! [*] If you have your dodge card, a quick and efficient way to get rid of them is if you make them attack you with their signature move, a kamikaze attack. They will come at you and destroy themselves, injuring everything around them in a range so make sure to stand close to other enemies when you make them go for the kamikaze! [/list] Wanna find out more? Check back next week or have a look at the page of the Early Access game, where we have more tips & tricks to share: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1048530/Rise_of_Humanity/