[i]Rise of Humanity[/i] is a fun but complex game. You build separate decks for each of your heroes (the Early Access version will have four heroes and 119 cards in total). Much like in RPGs, the characters interact with each other, they can improve their skills and become stronger by completing missions and battle goals. They each have their own specific skills and cards. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/beqQgDMf99FIC6ZBjn/giphy.gif[/img] [i]These are the four heroes you will meet in the Early Access game.[/i] The Prologue has two playable characters. [b]Hunter[/b] is great in close combat with his melee attacks but he also has guns and explosives to fight enemies from a distance. He can slay robots with his Ice Axe or blow them up with his famous Exploding Bunny! [b]Memory[/b] can control Crushers, Puppies and Drones from a distance. She’s able to dazzle or immobilize them – or simply move them farther away. She uses electricity in her ranged attacks but she can also charge her own energy or use it to damage bots in her close vicinity. When you successfully complete battle goals, your heroes will gain [b]skill points that you can exchange in the Hideout for more powerful skills[/b]. You can choose from [b]three possible skill trees specific to each of your characters[/b]. Each skill tree comes with three new powers that you can unlock using the skill points you’ve gathered, the first one costing 3, the second 6, and the third 9 points. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/TwbTsBLle59drSANfv/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Hunter [/b]can become a [i]Hit & Run[/i] type of character, a [i]Gunslinger[/i] or an [i]Explosives Expert[/i]. [list] [*] [i]Hit & Run[/i]: By choosing this skill tree you can improve Hunter’s mobility or close combat attacks. The possible skills here include gaining stamina by slaying bots or making melee attacks deal more damage. [*] If you’d rather have Hunter be a master of guns, you should go with the [i]Gunslinger[/i] skill tree. Powers you can get with this one will mostly affect ranged attacks, making them more powerful or giving an additional card and energy if you kill an enemy with such a move. [*] Should you decide to make him an [i]Explosives Expert[/i], Hunter will be able to gain three possible powers related to area of effect attacks (Hand Grenades, Exploding Bunnies, etc.). With the first available skill, you can make him invincible to his own explosives and area of effect attacks from his allies (for example a hand grenade thrown by a friend, or if Memory uses her Energy Overload card in close vicinity). For 6 skill points, you can start your turn with a Mollie Cocktail in your hand but if you are willing to spend a bit more, you can increase both the damage and area of your explosives – and go out with a bigger bang! [/list] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/J8jTVk23KjASbA68rB/giphy.gif[/img] As a hero who specializes in crowd control and hacking Crushers, [b]Memory[/b] can become a master of [i]Control[/i], [i]Energy[/i] or [i]Decks[/i]. [list] [*] With the [i]Control[/i] skill tree, you will give extra powers to Memory’s debuff effects: they can give her an additional card, deal damage to the enemies or last for an additional turn. [*] Going for the [i]Energy [/i]option: your hero will be able to ‘’supercharge’’ (she will gain additional energy at the start of her turn), gain energy when she receives damage or reduce the energy cost of a card. [*] Becoming a [i]Deck Master[/i] will enable Memory to get more card-related powers. Possible skills in this tree include drawing one additional card every turn, as well as getting an additional card when she discards or plays one. [/list] To find out more about the skills of your heroes in the Early Access game, click here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1048530/view/4430963222696091247