In Rise of Humanity, the world as we know it have ended when a powerful AI went rogue and took control over from humans. Once created to help mankind, machines are now roaming the empty streets in search for the remainders of their makers with one goal in mind: to destroy them. [img][/img] Robot Puppies are no exception. Don’t be fooled by the name, these machines are one of the nastiest enemies you can come across in the game, with various tricks up their mechanical sleeve. • They move fast and not only can they block your attacks, but also strike back and damage your hero in the process. This way when you hit a Puppy with a melee attack like the Ice Axe, your hero will suffer the equal amount of damage as the Puppy they attacked. • If they use a Bite card on your hero they will deal one damage to them – but also make them bleed, so they will suffer more damage in the next turn as well… Nasty, am I right? • Their Cripple card is one of the sneakiest moves however – not only do they deal a lot of damage to your hero but it also immobilizes them for the next turn: their target will not be able to use any of their movement cards. [img][/img] So what can you do to defend yourself from their vicious attacks? Here are some tips and tricks that will help you face this malicious bot: [list] [*] When you spot that the puppy has used a Strike Back card (a little circle will appear next to its name and you can have a look at his deck by clicking on its icon at the top of the screen), try playing a ranged attack instead of a melee attack card. This way you might not damage the Puppy that much but it will not be able to deal any damage to you either. [*] You can also try playing a Quick Reflexes card before attacking the puppy that can block this effect. [/list] [img][/img] Do you have another strategy? Don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments or join our Discord to share your tips and tricks with the community!