Hello Saviours of Humanity, We’re super excited to be releasing the game in Early Access… NEXT THRUSDAY. At the moment, we’re working hard on introducing a couple of new features that would make the game even more fun for you. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/rZzxVIEzyoYbq85a2p/giphy.gif[/img] One of these is going to be a levelling system. This means that by playing the Daily Challenges, you will earn points based on a number of factors like how many enemies you’ve killed, how many cards you’ve looted or how much time you spent playing. But let’s start with the basics. [b]WHAT ARE THE DAILY CHALLENGES?[/b] Along with the story campaign, our game will also have a Daily Challenge Mode. With this, you will be able to [b]play 3 new missions every day, with 3 randomly chosen characters and 3 randomly chosen locations[/b]. We will have 4 characters and 6 locations in total so that already adds up to a lot of different scenarios. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/k9ioiHbeXetguaUFc3/giphy.gif[/img] But that’s not all. You will also be given: • [b]Randomly chosen battle conditions[/b] that can affect the starting health of your heroes or enemies, and a bunch of other things that can make it more challenging for you to complete a mission. • [b]A new deck for each of your heroes[/b] that you have to build, with new possible blueprints by which you can merge some of your cards. • [b]Randomly chosen battle goals[/b] that you have to complete in order to earn skill points for your heroes. • Last but not least, we will randomly engulf some location in a [b]dark fog of war[/b] that will hide your enemies from sight. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/uBz4cxVxSODk6c4bzh/giphy.gif[/img] Let’s do the math: with all these combined, you will end up with new gameplay every day, and just a heads-up, we will keep introducing new battle conditions and other modifiers with the updates following the release. And if you play the Daily Challenges, you can also compete with other players with your scores on our leaderboard. [b]HOW CAN YOU GET A SCORE?[/b] As we’ve mentioned before, completing the Daily Challenges will earn you points that add up during your gameplay. Once you’ve completed the challenges or, well, died with all three of your heroes, your total score appears on our leaderboard, and, from now on, also along with your level. Your score will depend on a number of things: [list] [*] [b]Missions completed:[/b] this one is worth the most points, completing all three missions will earn you 6000 points. Not bad, right? [*] [b]Enemies killed and damage dealt:[/b] the more robots you slay, the more points you earn. So get ready to kick some mechanical butts! [*] [b]Heroes defeated:[/b] try to keep all your heroes alive throughout all three missions and you shall be rewarded with more, precious points! [*] [b]Cards looted: [/b]watch out for those hidden treasure chests all over our locations, they won’t only give you scrap (= the $$$ in the game) but also new cards you can use against your enemy and by the way, get more points with! This is also a reason for you to slay more Crushers as eliminating them will also give you a new card. [*] [b]Cards upgraded or merged:[/b] get out those decks and have a look at your options in the Hideout! Not only will you get some more powerful weapons but they’ll also give you a higher score. [*] [b]Hexes moved:[/b] this will be DEDUCTED from your points. Our game was designed to reward the brave and the bold who don’t scare away from a battle with our nasty bots. If your strategy is to keep running away from the enemies, you might end up with a lower score. [*] [b]Battle goals completed and skill points earned:[/b] these two are a bit of a pickle and will be something you’ll have to think about. You are given a choice between an easy and a more difficult battle goal for each hero at the beginning of each mission. If completed, the easier goal will give you one skill point, while with the harder ones you will be able to earn two or three skill points. The easier way might seem more tempting but keep in mind that completing the difficult ones will leave you with more skill points and thus more points. At the same time, picking the low hanging fruit can sometimes be rewarding: you are much more likely to successfully complete the easy battle goals, earning you a higher score on the leaderboard. [*] [b]Cards played:[/b] yep, those who play more cards will get less points than those who play less. This is to reward players with a good strategy that use their cards in the most efficient way possible. [*] [b]How much time you spend on playing the game.[/b] This will be deducted from your total score so we would recommend not to chill too much in the Hideout between missions. [/list] We’re aware that this is a lot of maths but these will all contribute to your final score and where you place on the leaderboard. These are all things you should consider if you want to be a real master of the Daily Challenges. Which brings us to: [b]HOW CAN YOU BECOME THE CHAMPION?[/b] So let’s get to the point and talk about the LEVELS. Again, if you play the Daily Challenges, you will get a score that will rank you on our leaderboard. This will also translate into a level from 1 to 30 (for now…). The level you’ve reached will become visible the day after so make sure to check back and see where you landed. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/EAbFaDiQgWIHCJM8Qf/giphy.gif[/img] Our daily leaderboards add up to a monthly rank that you will find in the menu. Players who complete more of our Daily Challenges will eventually place higher on this, and by earning more points they will also reach higher levels. So to summarize, the recipe for becoming our champion is simple: [list] [*] Take one dedicated and ambitious player [*] Add the completion of as many Daily Challenge missions as possible [*] Mix with a lot of strategic thinking based on the point system [*] And finally, sprinkle with the tenacity to play the Daily Challenges every day to figure out the best tactic and get more points. [/list] That’s it for now, we hope you’re looking forward to the release after reading through all this – we just CAN’T WAIT! We’ll be sharing some more tips & tricks and updates on the Steam page of the Early Access game, check it out or add to your wishlist to make sure you don't miss anything: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1048530/Rise_of_Humanity/