Rise of Humanity: Prologue is a combination of turn-based strategy and deck-builders. Your heroes get a deck of cards, allowing them to attack, dodge, move and so on. You have to collect, upgrade and merge cards to build decks for each of them. When you start a new level, your heroes get mission goals and battle goals assigned to them. The former, you have to complete in order to complete a mission and get to the next level. The latter however, will give your heroes skill points if you accomplish them, making them stronger as the story missions progress. [b]Moving around[/b] You start your turn with 6 stamina points for each hero, which means you can move 6 hexes. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/Kx7opPwlaWW1Yef04i/giphy.gif[/img] If you want to move more, you have to be lucky and get a movement card from a toolbox/eliminating a Crusher (the big nasty robot you can see below). [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/c6dIEulnNtvYBq09OB/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Now let's talk about the cards.[/b] The little numbers on the top of each card indicate how much energy using that specific card will cost you in the game. It can range from 0 to 5. You can see them below (pssst, the last card is a little sneak peek to the Early Access game ;) [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/5eec3ygLcLPHXA7rSG/giphy.gif[/img] You start your turn with 3 energy for each of your heroes. You can increase this with by walking into specific hexes with hotzones, such as this one: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40664322/d336b5f12ded02589054327681ca607595b467a8.png[/img] From the second level, you also get two [b]skill buttons[/b] in the bottom right corner. By clicking on these you can: [list] [*] discard one of your cards to move, even if you have no movement cards in your hand. [*] sacrifice one of the cards you don’t need and switch it to a Punch card – which can definitely come in handy with the many wicked enemies around! [/list] [b]So let's get to the point, how can you beat the enemy robots?[/b] There are many different cards you can use and strategies you can follow. Try both of these ones and let us know which one worked best for you! [list] [*] Boldly move - get close to the enemy and use Ice Axe cards against it. This card deals 3 damage so if you have 3 of them, that Crusher is already history! [*] Walk into the wake up range, move farther away and wait for them to come to you... - this can be useful if you are facing multiple enemies at the same time. Once you get them close together, you can use a range attack card such as a Hand Grenade or an Exploding Bunny to blow them all up - killing two robots with one stone, you could say. [/list] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/R0XWbHQbwterVgaqYE/giphy.gif[/img] That's it for now, we'll be sharing more tips and tricks soon so stay tuned! If you like the Prologue, don't forget to add the Early Access game to your wishlist! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1048530/Rise_of_Humanity/