[img]https://media.giphy.com/media/0SjNcaaSCAMa72D6r8/giphy.gif[/img] Somewhere in Western Europe, 2081. The world has been taken over by an AI gone rogue. Once created to help mankind, machines are now roaming the empty streets in search for the remainders of their makers to destroy them. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/lqWkK36MzE2vj0UHdN/giphy.gif[/img] In this desolate world, you embark on an adventurous journey to battle the malicious robots and save humanity! You find yourself at the entrance of an odd, long abandoned theme park, hearing a mysterious signal coming from the radio. Fight your way through the Crushers to find out who or what is sending the transmission! [u][b]Introducing our heroes....[/b][/u] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/wJJnmec8iGITbSKgdd/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Hunter[/b] has lost his girlfriend and new-born child to the machines when the onslaught started. He has spent the past twenty years hunting down bots and creating new weapons, such as a pink bunny plush toy that he had successfully turned into a deadly grenade. His mind is solely focused on his anger and on avenging the death of his family. Silent and deadly, he slays his enemies with grace and efficiency, some might say he is effortlessly cool. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/5Hc0HB1jDw49ZGEJ9D/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Memory[/b] is a typical late teenager going through difficult times, and can act as a real jerk sometimes with her cynical, sarcastic comments. However, she still develops a deep bond with Su, whom she considers a mother figure, as well as the Hunter, of whom she is quite fond of (which she only expresses in the form of teasing). She is a powerful fighter who can use electricity to disarm, immobilize and shock robots without getting in close proximity with them – definitely very useful skills in combat! [u][b]Coming soon...[/b][/u] Though she is not a playable character in the Prologue, you already meet [b]Su[/b] in the Hideout. She is a badass inventor who knows how to use bots and turn them against the enemy. She uses her own walkbot, Walker, when going into battle. Thanks to her incredible technical skills, she can deploy time bombs, turrets, and mobile mines to attack the enemies with. She acts as a mother to Memory and even refers to her as her daughter, and tends to have (rather one-sided) dialogues with Walker. This is one of the many cool things she is going to be able to do in the upcoming Early Access game: [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/jYGWO3zCJUJvqEFgsP/giphy.gif[/img] Like what you see so far? Check out the full game and add it to your wishlist here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1048530/Rise_of_Humanity/