[h1]New Features[/h1] [h2]Tools Prototype[/h2] The largest feature in the build this week, the tools prototype is a new way of interacting with the supervisors and the world in Rebots. This prototype is very experimental, so we would love to hear your thoughts on how this works to interact with the game. We have three tools available in the prototype (we might change their names in the future and their visuals will also get updated if the functionality works): [list] [*] Logistics - Use this tool to move supervisors around and establish connections between them (Already in use in the Tutorial level) [*] HR - Use this tool to spawn the necessary supervisors to solve the challenges of the job (Introduced in Mushroom Garden Level) [*] R&D - Use this tool to scan resources, critters and supervisors in the world to gain more information about them (Introduced in Frozen Splitter level) [/list] [i]Note: the rest of the features are all work in progress, so any feedback is welcome on them.[/i] [h2]2 New Levels - Mushroom Garden & Grumpy Volcano[/h2] Mushroom Garden: We added a new level (2) between the tutorial and the Frozen Splitter levels, to introduce the HR tool and the PutDown Supervisor. [i]Known Bug: The alien landing happens when you complete one of the goals on the level, but finish both goals to ensure you can continue playing the other levels.[/i] Grumpy Volcano (very WIP) - We added another level (4) between the Frozen Splitter and Woolyphant Orchard levels to introduce the Musiker Supervisor and Suckaflies. Will be polished in another update. [h2]New Critter - Suckaflies[/h2] We are (re)adding suckafiles to Rebots. A new type of critter that flies around the place, lays eggs for various purposes and well as the name implies, sucks up various gases. Scan them at the Grumpy Volcano level with your R&D tool. [h2]New Dashboard for showing information about the active job[/h2] We heard the feedback about having to choose planets on the dashboard being difficult and an extra step with the new gameplay loop, so we have replaced that system. When you are going into the ship, you’ll see your currently active job on a bulletin board and you just have to press the big red button to get started on the job. [h2]Aliens Landing[/h2] After you complete jobs, we’d like you to reap the rewards of your labour. Therefore, once jobs that you get from various aliens in the spaceport are completed, they will land on the asteroid and get themselves comfortable. It’s their home now. [h2]New Sounds[/h2] [list] [*] Workers, supervisors and aliens now have sounds for when they are walking (the workers are the cutest) [*] Sounds for the Alien Landing sequences [*] Ambient sounds in the insides of spaceport buildings (Edit: from the sound designer: They add reverb now, but there isn't actually any new sounds in the spaceport buildings yet). [/list] [i]Known bug: Pressing “New Game” button disables some sound effects in the game (alternatively to using the new game button, you can wipe your saves in C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/LocalLow/FlatPonies/Rebots by deleting the “Save” file in that folder)[/i] [h1]Improvements & Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Spaceport: Explore the new layout and check out some new buildings such as the market or the Rebots Corporate office [*] Reworked Tutorial and Frozen Splitter levels to align with the new tools prototype and aliens landing [*] Aliens in the spaceport and after landing are a bit smarter because they got AI chips implemented [*] Climaforming: the lerping of the colors between the different temperature now works across the board (and it looks stunning) [*] Fixed some colliders and raycast issues on the spaceport so you can’t interact with stuff through the walls (although that was pretty cool - also Julie cannot get behind the bar anymore through “conventional methods”) [*] Removed black shutters on the spaceship while flying [/list] [h1]Known Bugs[/h1] [list] [*] The head of the Frozen Splitter level job giver is interactable, so click the body instead. You won't regret it. [*] Mushroom Garden: Alien landing happens after one of the goals is completed and the job description on the pinboard says deliver 10 mushrooms 3 times. UI programming is a thankless job. [*] Some UI texts are not updated after aliens landing, so it just repeats the job description. UI programming is (again) a thankless job. [*] The radial menu of the HR tool describes supervisors with programmer language. Sorry, we’ll have a designer look at those. Also, icons are not updated for all supervisors yet. [*] The R&D tool scans the soapear cacti and not the soapear resources themselves. Needs to be adjusted. [*] There are two pooples in the Cantina after the tutorial level if the player talks with the poople after Alien landing. They are like amoebas. One of them has a hat though. [*] You are still able to interact with some stuff through the walls on the spaceport. Unity layers are playing tricks on us. [*]Clicking the cat when there are multiple goals shows the recipe and not the goals. Silly cat. [*]The tutorial job giver poople is a bit shy, so it’ll take 5-6 seconds for them to look at you. [*]Loading back into the spaceport sometimes pushes the player to the corner of the spaceship [*]The job descriptions update simultaneously the “Urgent” and “Completed” messages when new jobs are completed on the first 2 levels [/list] Regö/@FlatPonies