[h2]Good news![/h2] After some violent code-wrestling, good old-fashioned googling, trial & error testing, and pendulating between despair and hope, we’ve finally fixed the MAC version. I know! This is so exciting reading for all the PC users! [h2]Bad news! [/h2] Unfortunately, Steam does not allow us to make two separate Mac versions. We [u]had to choose[/u] between [u]old Intel-based[/u] Macs and new [u]arm-based[/u] Macs. We chose the future and went for arm-based (sometimes better known by their rapper name: “silicon” M1, M2 or M3) Macs. [h2] Neutral news![/h2] Another bunch of bugs were fixed with the newest update. Big thanks to everyone who reported them! PS: It’s the (smashing) pumpkin(s) spice latte season again. Rats in a Cage does not judge your coffee choice - only your character.