After having a few coffees, discussing, listening to all your feedback from the latest Steam Next Fest and visiting a therapist to recover from it, we have decided to change some major things in Rats in a Cage. [i]WARNING! Have a cup of coffee before reading any further![/i] [h2]Different story [/h2] With a heavy heart, we have changed the story of the game, as most of the players felt confused and found the story hard to follow. We now understand why though. The new story is more aligned with the corporate theme and connected to the gameplay. [h2]New feature added[/h2] We added a new feature to the first floor (gossip) to improve the feeling of progression. That of course meant to re-design the levels on the whole floor. You will be able to play-test it this week during the festival. We'd be happy if you could find some time this week to play the game and let us know how you feel about those changes! Thank you all for being part of this!