Overnight work, coffee doping, and daydreaming have finally paid off. Two floors have been finalized, the third is in the testing phase (almost there) and the fourth is being designed. WARNING! Have a cup of coffee before reading any further! Or two. We're not judging. [h2]FEATURES REVEAL[/h2] With the work progress, it became clear what features will be on those floors. [b]Floor1[/b] [list] [*] [u]Coffee [/u] lures coworkers...and we understand why. [*] Those [u]doors[/u] of opportunity won't open themselves. They block the way but can be opened/closed with the right switch. [*] Annoying [u]emails [/u] blocks the way at the receiving end...but as you know, they can be deferred indefinitely. [*] Everyone loves juicy office [u]gossip[/u]. Similarly, just like a coffee lures coworkers, but can be placed anywhere anytime. Which might not be a good thing. [/list] [b]Floor2[/b] [list] [*] From time to time we all need to actually do the [u]work[/u]. Steal the work from your coworkers and present it to your boss as your own. [*] We all know that some [u]deadlines[/u] are less deadly than others. You can push this one. Nobody cares. They might block your way, but you can push the deadline to block someone else. [*] [u]Right person at the right place[/u] and the right time can open the doors for you as long as you, your coworker, or the deadline stands there, the doors will be open. [/list] [b]Floor3[/b] [list] [*] Someone has to go. Make sure it's not you who's being [u]laid off[/u]. Any unlucky soul who encounters it first will be fired! [*] With all the layoffs, the company will now have the budget to expand the office. [u]Break walls[/u] to change level layout. For better or worse. [/list] [b]Floor4[/b] [list] [*] Good old fashioned [u]stab [/u]in the back. We've all been there. Stab your coworker in the back to remove coworker from the level completely. [/list] Please tell your friends about us! Especially to those corporate zombie friends who are always late because the last meeting took longer than expected. Thank you all for being with us!