Hey everyone, small patch here which fixes a few things and adds a stats screen at the end of the arcade levels. Hope you enjoy, new level coming soon. ːsteamhappyː ***FIXED BUGS*** - Fixed a bug on level 2 where the top tank can go through its collision. (Found by Sly_The_Fox) - Level 2 boss flame could not be destroyed by players MegaBomb. - Level 3 boss. The Evil Good Shepherd had issues focusing on KAOTIX in 1 Player mode. ***ADDED*** - The Flamethrower weapon to the corn field in Gnome 8. (Enjoy burning that corn!) (Suggested by Sly_The_Fox) - When The Evil Good Shepherd's bullets hits a player, he stops shooting and laughs. Arcade mode boss 3. - Mission stats screen in Arcade Mode. Explosion position idea. (Suggested by Sly_The_Fox) - New tune by Glyn in mission stats. (Crowdkill Shuffle) ***MODIFIED*** - Corn burn health, burns quicker now. - Reduced corn code. Slightly more optimised. - Default HUD transparency is now set to 60%. - Disabled debug mode. ***LEVEL DESIGN*** - Moved two arrow signs down slightly on Gnome 8. - Took away two trees hiding tanks on Gnome 8.