Hello guys! [h1]Knives and grenades[/h1] Basic implementation but so much fun already, the controls are pretty straight forward, remove the pin and throw, you can also release the safety lever with the grip to cook it! Knives can be thrown by releasing the trigger (will change in the future to throwing/stab mode) [h1]Voice Chat[/h1] Voice chat has been refactored from the ground up and it will not longer cause lag [h1]Weapon Tweaks[/h1] There was alot of feedback regarding the amount of recoil weapon had so both recoil and spray pattern has been tweaked and improved. Give it a try! [h1]Online Play Tests[/h1] Join us this weekend to test this update! http://vrlfg.net/schedule?sId=633 (Right now pretty much!) http://vrlfg.net/schedule?sId=634 [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] 0.8.14 - Fixed voice chat - Added knife & explosive grenades - Reduced hitches (Multithreaded decal projection) - Added dynamic spawns for TDM - Weapon tweaks 0.8.13 - Fixed players not showing properly in the scoreboard - New soldier models - Added Kevlar Vest and helmet - Added ammo pouch - Added open-mic spatialized voice chat - Added radio shoulder toggle - Added new holstering system Cheers!