[h3]Incident Report September 28, 2021:[/h3] In a covert Spetsnaz operation, the operations staging center for western Europe, Site-30 has been raided. Several terabytes of data were stolen from Site-30 servers. Much of which consisted of weapon development research, government covert operation briefings, metallurgy test results, and the release of a high importance object. While awaiting Level 5 clearance for transfer to Site-19, AO-186-6 "The Hide" was knowingly released by the operatives, presumably to take the asset themselves. However, they were then promptly eviscerated by AO-186-6. Site security has since regained control of the facility, AO-186-6 escaped the premises. The assert requires immediate recollection. Termination orders are pending. [h1]Aurora Soldier[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27034643/a24654fa4617a3cdf8071dcb09d264c961511c34.png[/img] Once your squad has infiltrated the AO, ROE is weapons-free. The target must be eliminated by any means, bagged, then extracted to point KILO. Contain the asset at all costs. Work as a team with the tools at your disposal to accomplish the mission. The Hide is hard to spot and must be kept away from feeding on corpses. [h3]Trip Alarm With a Surprise[/h3] Protect and secure an area with this sophisticated trip alarm. The laser beam has the ability to relay back to the device a nominal DNA sequence, or an abnormal one. It will signal when a fellow squad member passes when the beam is broken. However if a non-friendly breaks the beam, a different alarm will sound alerting your team of the location of a non-friendly. Also it contains a minor explosive device that will detonate. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27034643/2f60b241bad303c236f7aee36be70755060b08dc.png[/img] [h3]Tranquilizer[/h3] An XG-505 non-lethal dart will disorient the asset and obscure its vision without destroying them. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27034643/6a2bd38f533a0724fe983729dfdc74f899e4b117.png[/img] [h3]Aurora flashbang[/h3] Overwhelm the senses of the monster by forcing them to cry out in pain which reveals their location if deployed close enough. The wavelength emitted by the grenade is blocked by Aurora Operative visors. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27034643/3b05adc8eed36488be49407f291bb79918f17074.png[/img] [h3]Adrenaline shot[/h3] Shove this auto-injector in your intramuscular tissue for an instant temporary speed boost and 15% damage resistance to protect yourself under extreme duress. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27034643/bd2b1c8fbb11b137119c82dd1d9f5978ad219cec.png[/img] [h3]Bandage kit[/h3] Recover health instantly by ripping the perforated easy-tear package and applying it with your trigger button. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27034643/9630c7dddaa9a0747bf449ac53ddbe738298a749.png[/img] [h1]The Monster[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27034643/a17e037b8157a7c21e68f129e65c34350a030266.png[/img] You're not meant to be caged up. You cannot be captured or killed. You regain health by feeding on the flesh of the dead. Blades have been fused with the bones of your forearms. You have also been granted a wonderful ability to see through walls and in the dark. Not only that, the lab has granted you the strength to leap far higher than any human and grab onto any vertical surface. You've also have the ability to refract light around your skin by regulating your body temperature, this makes your body and pants extremely hard to see with the naked eye. [h3]Smoke grenade[/h3] Use this screening device to assist in stalking your prey. Despite the ability of your skin to use adaptive camouflage, you can further introduce confusion when trying to attack an entire squad of highly alert soldiers. [h3]Fragmentation grenade[/h3] Dispatch damage to a group of enemies with a stolen Aurora fragmentation grenade. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27034643/60a98d0d08cfd5050cda796e3938ac1597a8f258.png[/img] [h1]Night Maps[/h1] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/ei1bPcXH6CYakZrqwo/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611d10b52a9bac81563914ae341e0a770a41bcd53ac&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] Due to the tone of this additional game mode, It was important that the proper atmosphere is in place for the environment it should be played in. As a result, we have created night versions of our official maps for Stalingrad, Sand, Santorini, Station, and Industry. Not only will it be fun gameplay for The Hide but with the addition of flashlight attachments, we hope it will but a fun alternative take on deathmatch. [h1]New buy menu[/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/N70ligxa79wFALdwOv/giphy-downsized-large.gif[/img] We have updated our buy menu, but we're not finished yet. We wanted to get the buy menu in the hands of players now so they can access all the new items such as the canted sight, laser, flashlight, new modern weapons, and more. At a later time, we're going to hand the keys to the community to let them edit the buy menu themselves for their custom game mods with JavaScript. [H1]Improved first-person vests[/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/6mhvr95pEyIbWGaF6V/giphy-downsized-large.gif[/img] The first-person vests have been visually overhauled. Your vest will match the character skin that you are using. The color and detail are also much more present! [h1]Visual Damage feedback[/h1] When you are now damaged, the edges of your vision will provide a damage indicator. [H1]$10,000 Map Contest[/h1] Our good frozen friends at Arctic VR are hosting a map designing contest aimed at the Search and Destroy game mode and we are happy to sponsor the winners totaling up to $10k in cash prizes! This contest is free and open to enter for everyone and specifically for Pavlov Shack version of Pavlov for mobile VR. The submission is now open and closes on January 1st 11:59 PM Easter Standard Time. More information and rules can be found on the website: https://www.arctic-vr.com/quest-for-content [h2]Happy Halloween from your friends at Vankrupt! [/h2] [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] Core -Added new game mode: The Hide -Added new first-person vests -Added new dark versions of maps: station_night, sand_night, stalingrad_night, industry_night) -Added new painkiller model -Added visual damage feedback/indicator -Added bayonets to tanktdm and koth -Added temporary Halloween themed item swaps -Adjusted tiger liveries -Adjusted AR style charging handles so that they aren't as linear -Adjusted splash screens to fix border issue for Oculus headsets -Adjusted Pak system for faster validation (future updating) -Adjusted flashlight shader -Fixed exploit abusing playspace to clip ceiling and floor with head -Fixed M1 Garand ping not playing sometimes -Fixed menu walking exploit -Fixed slapping bolt removing 2 rounds -Fixed for guns triggering filter out sound -Fixed being able to see through the scope while flashed -Fixed inventory not rotating when trying to start sprinting -Fixed issue with error sound incorrectly triggering with gun handling KOTH -Added gradient to the cap zone TTT -Added UI for Teleporter and DNA scanner -Added 10% damage resistance to all players -Added special roles: Jester, Glitch, Assassin, Sheriff, Tank -Added rcon commands for community server owners (Commands: tttflushkarma, tttsetkarma, tttsetrole, tttsetrole, tttendround, tttpausetimer, TTTAlwaysEnableSkinMenu) -Adjusted TTT armor system -Added DNA revamp -Added textures for Discombobulator grenade -Adjusted TTT C4, leaves DNA when armed -Adjusted TTT C4 long time blast radius (increased) -Added covert body searching -Adjusted Silent Cet 9 magazine ammo to 12 -Adjusted TTT Knife stab sound range (decreased) -Adjusted TTT Medkit to WW2 Medkit -Adjusted Mercenary and Survivalist special roles (Survivalist is no longer a guaranteed special role) -Adjusted Several backend improvements to TTTv2 -Fixed round waiting issue -Fixed Newton Launcher not shooting players in the correct direction