Update 26 - Industry
Author: Junt,
published 3 years ago,
Set in the headquarters of the Infinitum Military Solutions, this ruthless PMC never would have guessed the fight would be brought onto their home turf. This security firm has a mission statement to bring protection to those who need it most. Still, their history directly opposes these core values, resulting in the inevitable conflict brought to their corporate offices.
This map design originated directly from the Pavlov community. It was such a fan favorite we decided to partner with the original map designer, Voxie, to remake a map with a high amount of detail. This map features various environments with SnD at the forefront of the design with a finely tuned layout to ensure this map will withstand the test of time.
[h1]Updated modern player models[/h1]
We have updated our NATO and Russian player models for Pavlov. This comes with several benefits. Not only are the teams now more distinguishable, but we have also improved performance with them. We were able to make them look [i]better[/i], while also reducing the number of draw calls needed to render them on screen.
[h1]New weapon sounds[/h1]
Our sound design team has remastered all of the current weapons sounds in an effort to provide more heavy impact and dialed up the effects of outdoor reverb.
[h1]New explosion effects[/h1]
We've added new effects to the frag grenade and SnD bomb. We've also wholly refactored the flashbang effect to address some of the issues with low-light environments. We also believe we have helped simulate the feeling of discombobulation with these new flashbang effects.
[h1]Utility buy limits to Search and Destroy[/h1]
After receiving feedback from players, we have decided to add buy limits to the utility. You can now only purchase a single frag at a time in pre-round. This is an effort to reduce grenade spam. Additionally there are limits to 2 smokes, 2 flashbangs, and only one pair of pliers.
[h1]Pavlov TV Returns![/h1]
We have brought back our casting application for casting Search and Destroy matches. This can be used by changing the launch parameters for the game. It will open to a keyboard and mouse interface that can be controlled with various key binds to change the perspectives of the spectator camera. You can find the full guide on our [url=http://wiki.pavlov-vr.com/index.php?title=Pavlov_TV]wiki.[/url]
[h1]Revamped modern shooting range[/h1]
We've rebuilt the shooting range. Not only have we designated the doors to lead to other offline areas, but it's also optimized it for better performance.
[h1]Bolt slap mechanics[/h1]
We've added bolt slap mechanics! Now when you have a bolt locked back on specific weapons, you can swing your hand on top of the bolt to cycle it forward. There's no need to use the trigger button. This mechanic provides absolutely no tactical benefit; however, you will look really cool when doing it.
[h1] Trench Gun[/h1]
After [i]many[/i] requests from the community, we have added the Trench Gun! This shotgun packs a powerful punch sure to stir up the guts of your enemy if they're too close for comfort.
[h1]Historical Scopes[/h1]
Fleshing out the WWII content further, we're also added historical scopes for all the bolt action rifles. Each featuring its own unique model and reticle to lend more ability to the bolt actions and create more viable use on the battlefield. By default, these weapons will automatically come with a bolt action rifle. However, they can be removed by the player. If you are making a custom game mode, you can additionally spawn the rifles without the attachments.
[h1]New kill house season[/h1]
Kill house stats are being reset for a new season. Stake your claim on a world record run with your favorite weapon, or join the mixed category for some extra spice!
[h1]Plans for the Future of Pavlov VR[/h1]
Pavlov is moving towards a faction-based weapon set, according to each team. This will effectively limit the weapons available to you. One team will have the AK available, and the other will have M4, and so on. Some weapons will be shared between teams, of course, such as the Deagle. This future change will be part of the buy menu revamping efforts.
We're also introducing more game modes such as Push, and If you would like to help us test these new game modes in the Steam Betas we update regularly, we would love your feedback!
Here is how to access the beta on Steam:
[list][*]Right click Pavlov VR in Steam
[*]Go to properties
[*]Click Betas Tab
[*]Select "beta-" from the drop down[/list]
For a list of the patch notes, please check out our #pc-beta-feedback channel on our [url=https://discord.com/invite/pavlov-vr]Discord server[/url]!
[h1]Patch Notes[/h1]
-Added new russian & nato character models
-Added tiger tank (ID: tiger)
-Added police skin (ID: cop)
-Added new modern shooting range
-Added new map: Industry
-Added new scope effects
-Added environmental sounds to both shooting ranges
-Added sounds for knife twirling in air
-Added new sounds for painkillers and being revived
-Added new on screen healing effect
-Added player acceleration strafing to address jiggle peaking
-Added function to address Oculus Quest controllers duplicating a trigger press
-Added canted red dot (ID: canted_reddot)
-Added red dot for pistols (ID: reddot_pistol)
-Added bayonets to historical weapons (ID: bayonet_kar98, bayonet_springfield, bayonet_mosin, bayonet_leeenfield, bayonet_m1garand, bayonet_trenchgun)
-Added 0.3 burst delay to sock
-Added new flashbang FX, when looking away from the flash it will be less intense
-Added trenchgun, sks, akshorty, new kar98 model (ID: trenchgun, sks, akshorty, kar98)
-Added SnD explosion effects
-Added new explosion effect to frag grenade
-Added kill feed icon for SND bomb, akshorty
-Added new bullet decals for player bullet hits
-Added new reload mechanics to sawed off
-Added mute microphone checkbox to settings
-Added new asynchronous loading system to improve core game performance
-Added ability to attach laser to m9, de, and revolver
-Added ability to attach laser/flashlight to p90 and pump shotgun
-Added new server browser filters for TTT and OITC
-Added loading splash screen
-Added scopes to WWII bolt action rifles
-Added remastered weapon sounds
-Added environment sounds to station
-Added modkit setting to adjust if enemies can be revived by the syringe or not
-Added animation the bottom feed door on the autoshotgun and pumpshotgun
-Added magazine optimizations
-Added bayonet as knife replacement in WW2 GunGame
-Added SnD buy limits: 1 frag grenade, 2 smokes and flashes, 1 plier
-Added plier haptics that builds up while squeezing + increased the cut time by .1s
-Added hand penetration mechanic so headshots are no longer blocked by hands
-Adjusted net code to prevent high ping player advantage (competitive only)
-Added a rail to the uzi for the flashlight
-Added function to community servers so that if no players are in the match during SND start it will wait up to an additional 60 seconds for players to join
-Added a shell mesh to the uzi so you can tell if its loaded or not
-Added UI prompt for community server connections and download
-Added the ability to cancel map join on workshop download mid progress (will not join left server when map finishes download)
-Added M'Kay slap mechanics to mp5, smg, autosniper, and aug
-Added bVerboseLogging server config var to now log killed/killedby/headshots/SND bomb Plants/Defuse/Explosions/Teamswitching/Teamkills/Roundstatechanges
-Added bCompetitive option to game.ini default value is false, will allow community servers to run competitive SND
-Added basic stat tracking for community servers; it will dump to logs at match end
(kills, assists, deaths, headshots, bombs planted, bombs defused, chickens killed etc)
-Added SetPin rcon command (if no pin is passed in it will unlock the server)
-Added function prevent server moderators from being vote kicked
-Added a 10% chance for the luger to spawn with the black widow skin
-Added arrows to the map browser UI
-Adjusted mag slap mechanic to be more forgiving
-Adjusted gun ids (galul, scur, vzz)
-Adjusted Gungame to include new weapons and remove Kar98
-Adjusted character model to correct rig and reduce draw calls
-Adjusted the charging handle linear ranges for the: cet9, 57, m9, de, sock, luger, tokarev, 1911
-Adjusted the charging handle linear ranges and chamber meshes for the: kross, scur, vzz, galul
-Adjusted bar bipod to be folded up
-Adjusted weapon slides and bolts so they cannot be gripped while firing
-Adjusted deagle to increase reloading speed slightly
-Adjusted pipe attachment to player models to the bottom jaw
-Adjusted smg shell ejection socket
-Adjusted bolt for awp and anti-tank rifle to be more forgiving on fully latched and unlatched state
-Adjusted pump shotguns reloading linear rail (should require more actuation)
-Adjusted shooting range to improve performance
-Adjusted tutorial lighting
-Adjusted bots will no longer eject shells out of their guns in offline mode
-Adjusted rl_rpg offhand grip to correct spot
-Adjusted repairtrool to allow on the hip slots
-Adjusted the autoshotgun stock interact box to the rear of the weapon where the stock hinges
-Adjusted the lmga mesh so that the bullets don’t show up weirdly in the shooting range (loot proxy)
-Adjusted loading hand pose on all shell loading shotguns
-Adjusted vanas with lowered RPM, boosted horizontal recoil, increased price to 2300, 50 killbonus
-Adjusted ak12 with price increase, damage increase to 25, helmet bleed to 74
-Adjusted awp with damage increase to 100, armordamage 50, armorpen 65
-Adjusted P90 with recoil reduction, lowered the price to 1900
-Adjusted sock price to 650
-Adjusted ak12 and uzi magazine socket
-Adjusted rifle laser/flashlight attach distance (increased)
-Adjusted zombies bullet hit shader
-Adjusted the autoshotgun stock interact box to the rear of the weapon where the stock hinges
-Adjusted rocket ammo drop sound
-Adjusted guns to play cocking sounds when manually chambering rounds
-Adjusted limited ammo mode rocket launchers to have reserve ammo of 1 instead of 3
-Adjusted anti-tampering vendor to EAC
-Adjusted flashlight so it can be turned on while in hand
-Adjusted pills will now only dispense if theyre near + above your head
-Adjusted optimizations to KOTH
-Fixed hand on slide or bolt stating gripped when main hand lets go of the weapon
-Fixed delay on flashlight/laser
-Fixed KOTH icon disappearing
-Fixed not being able to pick up grenades on the ground even though they’re highlighted
-Fixed a rare issue with the repairtool
-Fixed issue with tank damage
-Fixed newton launcher recentering players in vehicles
-Fixed unkillable ghost via vehicles
-Fixed backward ak12 on the weapon rack
-Fixed lootcrate issue with attachments
-Fixed assorted issues w/ attachment states
-Fixed LMGA belt on the weapon rack
-Fixed m16/m4/ar9 charging handle teleporting
-Fixed kar98 scope attach distance
-Fixed p90 charging reciprocating when firing
-Fixed bar selector switch being backward
-Fixed stick grenades playing ignite sound more than once when non-owner pulls the string
-Fixed SND bomb was able to be clipped when not planted
-Fixed shooting range door handle grip position
-Fixed pipe placement for updated character models, attached to lower jaw
-Fixed bar fire rate switch issue while holding the trigger
-Fixed killhouse door handle
-Fixed ping rollover issue on the player scoreboard
-Fixed lootcrate issue with attachments
-Fixed unkillable ghost via vehicles
-Fixed mp5 laser attachment issue
-Fixed stick grenades playing ignite sound more than once when non-owner pulls the string
-Fixed ATV + Truck from being able to be walked on
-Fixed the autoshotgun loading bounds
-Fixed hand staying gripped on charging handle when gun is dropped
-Fixed various gun desync bugs
-Fixed culling issue in Santorini
-Fixed being unable to grab the charging handle if you died while last holding it
-Fixed the autosniper charging handle rotation
-Fixed scur charging handle animation
-Fixed ammo counter will be red when there is no bullet in the chamber
-Fixed guns playing sound for attachment removal if the mode is disabled
-Fixed invulnerable players not being affected by kill volumes getting into unplayable areas
-Removed kar98 from modern GunGame
-Removed bolt release binding from mp5, smg, autosniper, and aug
-Exposed vehicle despawn time to spawners + modkit
-Added telefrag kill icon
-Added sks to TTT loadouts
-Adjusted TTT pointer hand to always be your dominant hand
-Adjusted TTTv2 ammo system to Limited Special
-Adjusted Silent Cet 9 magazine ammo to 8 bullets
-Adjusted detective role to use cop skin w/ detective hat
-Adjusted TTT skin changer portraits for NATO and Russian
-Removed rockets from TTT