Update 29 Final beta
Author: Junt,
published 1 year ago,
We’re on the home stretch for Update 29 release. This will be our final beta before release. We will use this opportunity to get the update in the players' hands to receive feedback for bugs and issues. Once we have finalized the update after beta testing, the build will get submitted to Sony Playstation for review. This is necessary as we must have the compiled builds on both platforms on the same version to ensure crossplay compatibility. While crossplay will not be enabled for this beta test, it will be for the final release.
We also want to address the elephant in the room regarding feedback we have received from the last new post. We want to clarify that Pavlov is on a different engine version from the previous update. Despite moving from Workshop to Mod.io, the maps would have been incompatible, and we have to start with a fresh slate regardless. We intend to keep a branch available to those who still want to play legacy content.
[h3]Join us in the Steam Beta[/h3]
Here is how to access the beta on Steam:
[list][*] Right-click Pavlov VR in Steam
[*]Go to properties
[*]Click Betas Tab
[*]Select "beta" from the drop-down [/list]
We want your participation to stress test this beta for yourself and provide some feedback! [url=https://discord.gg/pavlov-vr]Join our discord![/url]
[h3]Lobby overhaul & Crossplay[/h3]
Our original implementation for crossplay was a subpar and confusing player experience after internal testing. We have since refactored crossplay code and UI to be during the lobby creation process. PC Players will choose between crossplay with PSVR2 (mods disabled) or for PC Only (mods enabled). Once the selection has been made, that lobby will stay as that selection until all players leave and the lobby is closed.
We have also refactored the lobby UI and added the ability for the host to promote someone else to be the lobby leader.
Crossplay will not work in this beta and will be available on Update 29 full release due to PSVR2 needing the same client build.
[h3]New Mod Browser[/h3]
The new mod browser makes it easier to find and install mods. You can browse mods by category, popularity, or newest mods. You can also search for specific mods by name or keyword and manage your downloads without exiting the game.
[h3]Game Mode Permutations for TDM/DM[/h3]
We have added weapon filtering permutations to Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch. You can also customize the availability of each weapon or toggle entire categories with ease.
[h3]New Character Models[/h3]
We have finally completed the Nato and Russian player models for 5v5 search and destroy. Player models will be assigned randomly at the start of matches.
[h3]Search and Destroy Improvements[/h3]
Search and destroy was improved with several new features. The scoreboard timer now aligns with the bomb timer countdown for improved round accuracy and putting the bomb timer clock on the player's wristwatch.
[h3]Team Indicators[/h3]
You can now see your teammates through occluded objects like walls and floors to help locate their current position in real-time. There is additionally a bomb carrier indicator for Search and Destroy for that little bit of extra info.
[h3]Additional Modkit Features[/h3]
After beta testing the new modkit on Unreal Engine 5.1, we have received a lot of wonderful feedback from the community and have added some additional features to help with some of the pain points modders have experienced. This includes in-editor utilities for the new trigger discipline, zeroing weapon sights, bullet velocity, and shell ejection. We have additionally added more gun and item examples.
To that one guy that kept asking for bloom, we added it. Stop bothering us about it, okay?
[h3]Audio [/h3]
Our audio engineers have made more strides to provide subtle environmental audio to our base maps and musical stingers and build-ups for all our game modes.
There have been many further optimizations under the hood to help improve performance over the last few betas to help keep the game running as lean as possible.
[h3]Spawn system logic overhaul[/h3]
The spawning system has been overhauled to help prevent spawning on top of enemies for cheap deaths or kills. You are more likely to spawn away from enemies and closer to Teammates.
[h3]Volumetric smokes[/h3]
More work has gone into the smoke grenades to prevent unbalanced visual information and volumetric shaders.
We have revamped items like the DNA scanner and added a few new roles to TTT game mode. There is a new zombie, soulmate, and hypnotist role. The Karma system was adjusted to be more robust against griefing, and a final UI revamp
[h3]Ability to remove blood [/h3]
With the addition of disabling gore, you can now disable blood entirely.
-Added new splash screen images
-Added recenter while in vehicles
-Added compatibility filtering for map selection depending on game mode support
-Added Russian 3 & 4 and Nato 3, 4, & 5 characters
-Added new revamped offset adjustment system in shooting range
-Added lights to the muzzle flashes
-Added capsule shadows to vehicles (high settings)
-Added new name tag system for location teammates through walls
-Added more gore options in settings menu (no blood)
-Added new spawning logic, tries to place you near teammates (if its a team based game) and away from enemies. Then takes the best ~10+ locations and chooses the least used
-Added bloom shader effect
-Adjusted player height with 4% increase
-Adjusted hunting rifle striker animation, behaves like the ww2 bolt actions now
-Adjusted magazine slide to remove an extra frame
-Adjusted game modes that have freeze time to spawn in pre-round
-Adjusted pawn logic and animations to be more optimized, added pooling managers for optimization
-Adjusted hands vertex normals to increase visual fidelity slightly
-Adjusted flashlight noise power on the beam
-Fixed a crash related to tanks
-Fixed mag insert bug causing hands to jump around
-Fixed right eye rendering not working
-Fixed LODS on prisoner skin
-Fixed dollhouse mode so it's back to how it use to be
-Fixed VRHandle causing hand flicker for a frame on release
-Fixed guns culling too early
-Fixed attachment culling issues.
-Fixed a map exploit in Stalingrad
-Fixed areas players could get stuck in hospital
-Fixed light bleed in some areas of Sand
-Fixed destroyed tanks still showing occupancy in the team indicator
-Fixed roundstart stereo counting down from 7 seconds instead of standard 15 for TDM, DM, GG, OITC in servers (offline counts from 7)
-Fixed wrong gloves/hands being enabled for incorrect skin
-Fixed knife throwing logic
-Fixed a flash grenade exploit
-Fixed glass bullet holes decals clipping into other surfaces
-Fixed dirt particles dropping frames
-Fixed team selection not being honored in lobbies
-Added ability to pass lobby leader to another player
-Added new killhouse UIs
-Added new mod browser menu for content management
-Added filters for crossplay, Prophunt, KOTH, Infection. Removed Maps filter tab from server browser
-Added name tag none support to TTT and The Hide Nametags.
-Added dynamically scaling name size for scoreboard, nametags, vote screen
-Added new objective markers
-Added speaking icon to overlay on top of avatar in nametags
-Added talking icon to player list menu (to indicate who is being abusive on mic)
-Added lobby type selection (Crossplay or non-crossplay/mods)
-Added new lobby UI
-Added crossplay icon to server browser
-Adjusted scrolling to be smoother in all menus
-Adjusted lobby pin is now hidden unless hovered over (for streamers)
-Adjusted round start UI to always be in the cameras view
-Adjusted Admin menu layout and sizing
-Adjusted Watch bar proportions
-Adjusted watch to show "--:--" on tutorial or no gamemode.
-Fixed OITC end screen showing wrong out-of number
-Fixed main menu tooltip wording
-Fixed credits screen
-Fixed issue where vote screen does not highlight unselected players
-Fixed nametag scaling issues
-Fixed nametags after death showing incorrect health value
-Removed "match begins in" screen when playing offline w/ no bots
-Added Intro and menu music
-Added Prop Hunt hunter blinder loop
-Added soundmix to fade out/in match end music when menuverse music is playing
-Added sounds for KOTH objective change control
-Adjusted Round start sound for WW2 gun game
-Adjusted WW2/Modern Gun Game to play match end stingers depending on mode
-Adjusted Stingers and cues for all game modes
-Fixed layered or incorrect round/match end sounds playing
-Fixed delayed sound on first shots after map load
-Disabled Virtualization for taser shock sound
-Removed crow sounds from main menu background in menu verse
-Fixed for thrown knife twirling sound effect not playing in some circumstances
-Fixed grenade voiceline on reverb controllers
-Added SnD timer to watch
-Added system to SND to assign a unique skin to each player on the team
-Added bomb carrier indicator for offensive team to be seen through walls
-Added new lock in place icon
-Adjusted jumping logic, Increased hunter jump height slightly and improved validity checks for hunter jump manager
-Improved how starting props are assigned
-Removed inner prop hunt blinder
-Adjusted out of bounds arrow
-Fixed push vehicle randomly killing someone by impact
-Fixed Push out of bounds showing in main menu
-Adjusted the tanktdm buy menu to include all WWII guns. Also put them in order: US, Ger, Svt, Eng
-Fixed soviets receiving US grenades on tanktdm (Stalingrad)
-Fixed ww2 loot crates spawning modern pills/syringes
-Added Hypnotiser role
-Added Soulmate role (Community server setting only)
-Added new TTT Radar Icon
-Added new DNA scanner
-Added new detective hat
-Added random skin button to skin menu
-Added logic to prevent players from being able to buy body armor when they've already been given it on role selection
-Added red dots to compatible weapons on spawn
-Adjusted skin to be set to random unless selected by player
-Adjusted game mode logic to remember last selected skin on next round
-Adjusted innocent badge color
-Adjusted Golden Gun team kill now revives killed player after 5 seconds
-Adjusted DNA lifetime to increase falloff to 30 meters
-Fixed TTT golden gun
-Fixed monocular issues
-Fixed teleporter teleporting when item is dropped during windup
-Fixed mercenary not having a role icon
-Fixed Teleporter to no longer receive decals
-Fixed TTT skin menu auto closing in pre round
-Removed PKM from TTT loadouts
-Added new resupply crate type mesh
-Adjusted spawn logic so different locations on the map are selected each round for Aurora team
-Adjusted score to now increment on round end based on winning team
-Adjusted soldiers to no longer get weapons on revive
-Adjusted monsters no longer get grenades on revive
-Adjusted tooltips to only spawn once
-Removed ability to revive
-Fixed issues with broken loot spawn grabbing not working on certain items
-Fixed meshes not highlighting for Heavy resupply crate
-Adjusted score to now increment on round end based on winning team
-Adjusted tooltips to only spawn once
-Fixed infection monster not being reselected when original monster leaves match.
-Adjusted the equipment snapshot so players can go back to random by respawning without weapons or an item in hand
-Adjusted equipment snapshot to give you a grenade and knife if you don’t have one.
Comp Room
-Added projector
-Fixed exploit in comp room
-Added modkit function to give TTT Credits in GlobalInfo
-Added modkit toggle to enable/disable prone
-Added Traitor action icon
-Added bPreventNormalRoundEndings for TTT modders
-Exposed various pavlov classes to the modkit
-Added FootstepModifier setup to Pavlov_AudioVolume, will pass the param to the footstep sound to add in the modifier sounds (glass, leaves, wet, creaky)
-Added another gun example (AK47)
-Added a bandage example (healing item)
-Added a pipe (attach proxy)
-Added a knife (knife class)
-Updated the bullet tester bp/ bullet examples
-Redid the trigger dicipline bp to include testing for trigger pull animation
-Added a hand tester bp for vrhandles (items/guns)
-Pavlov_AudioVolumes now have a variable to modify the footstep sounds while the player is inside of them
-added helper function to the gun to spawn pooled shells
-CustomItems have been deprecated and will no longer spawn. Please use VRItems instead
-HandProxys parent changed to the controller
-Fixed modkit hand proxy overlaps
-Fixed disable ejection on vehicle flip flag
-Fixed modkit spawning two items in same slot causing them both to appear in that slot
-Fixed an issue where the definition wouldn't be reloaded client side after updating a mod
-if Pavlov_Spawns are found on the map with HideSpawn tag then it will remove all the spawn points without the tag (for hide/infection only). If it's not these gamemodes the spawn points will be removed from the map
-Fixed mod manager not adding mounted paks to array
-Removed reference to definition on dedicated server prior to unmounting the pak when we download a new version