[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27034643/eb6c1e915a0bf05f0dc88a6f0944f1ebe58c92c1.gif[/img] Hello guys! [h1]New weapons[/h1] Adding more interesting variety to the game, a fully auto drum shotgun, a revolver and a bullpup rifle with x4 sight (this is a preview of what attachments can feel in the game. Attachment update will arrive later this year) [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27034643/4037dfae666ed524a73d56a9bff1a9f372014c92.gif[/img] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27034643/c371b994289691350181fa9b354db294849e2142.gif[/img] [h1]Gun Game[/h1] New game mode, you get assigned a new weapon on every kill, the first one to go through all weapons wins. Difficulty increases as you progress. There's also deathmatch as a logical addition derived from gun game development. [h1]Server Settings[/h1] Have you ever wanted to enforce either, rifles, pistols, knives or grenades only ? Now you can do it in deathmatch/team-deathmatch with the brand new weapon filters. Match length extension has also been added Get involved in the development, competitive league and chill at the discord http://discord.gg/pavlov-vr and follow at twitter for updates http://twitter.com/davevillz Thank you everyone for the support ːsteamhappyː [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] 0.30.0 - Added gun game mode - Added deathmatch game mode - Added 3 new guns - Added server settings - Rifles, Handguns, knives & grenades only - Major recoil and balancing changes - Added strafe/speed penalties to sniper rifle - Added Oculus thumbstick deadzone - Added Oculus missing haptic effects - Increased kar98 damage - Removed mag release on AKs - Fixed sawedoff issues - Fixed offhand auto-rebuy - Fixed round begin/end score issues - Fixed spectator room view - Fixed floating grenades - Fixed magazines droping from pouch - Fixed ak47 sights/zeroing - Fixed sniper rifle ghost magazine