[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27034643/4fd33d140eff5055de3205c5f36382caadbe1505.gif[/img] Hello guys! [h1]Voting[/h1] The awaited voting system is here, in this first implementation you can vote to kick and vote to return to the lobby. This is an extensible system so more types of votes should get added during early-access. [b]Non-Intrusive voting notification[/b] The voting notification as shown in the thumbnail above is placed away from your aiming view in like a wing-mirror thing. To properly see it you have to turn only your head. To vote just open the menu (menu + trigger). [h1]Muting[/h1] Very straight forward, you get a list of players where you can toggle the mute status on and off. Muted players are saved in your local Pavlov configuration. [h1]More Weapons[/h1] [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27034643/1e6167a5f94cb10d2e80d2ec23fc52b79fc4b597.gif[/img] The weapons that didn't made it in the last patch, a cheap sawed off shotgun and a new default 9mm pistol. A couple more will come in the mid term. [h1]We are growing, new servers![/h1] More servers have been deployed in Europe and US (west coast) to aid in keeping game-play smooth during peak times. Join the [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/555160/discussions/0/135511027321325776/]discord[/url]! We have leagues and cookies! ːsteamhappyː Thanks for your patience [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] 0.12.0 - Added vote system - Added mute system - Added new hand gun - Added sawedoff shotgun - Burst & Full-Auto handgun improvement - Weapon tweaks - Added server messages - Reduced armor by 25% - Fixed radio not working for the 5th player - Fixed team-selection constrained to 4 players - Fixed lobby bugging out on failure to download custom map - Fixed kill impulse not applying online - Fixed over-powerfull helmet - Fixed headshot sound occlusion detection